The W boson caused a particle mystery — but scientists have cracked the case

Nov 20, 2019
electroweak theory, neutrinos experiments, ecc are so weak and contradictorial that all of this mass of false math should be dismissed immediately by anyone with common sense
It is a nice achievement!

But for new physics the neutrino sector seems more promising, since their mass oscillations doesn't fit withing the standard model and could explain matter/antimatter asymmetry. And e.g. a sterile neutrino extension is a WIMP candidate.

Quantum Loop Gravity
QLG is like MOND, they were non-relativistic proposals in a relativistic physics universe and so has left the competition. Yet they are still mentioned, perhaps for nostalgic reasons.

electroweak theory, neutrinos experiments, ecc are so weak and contradictorial that all of this mass of false math should be dismissed immediately by anyone with common sense
Physics is based on observations and tests, math is merely a tool for quantifying them.

In any case, the article describes observations and tests that show they are correct. One gets away with the impression that these Nobel Prize winning achievements (electroweak theory, neutrino discovery, et cetera) gets the personal goat of the poster.

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