These scientists want to put a massive 'sunshade' in orbit to help fight climate change

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Mar 8, 2022
Being paid for labors is a exchange of things both parties find acceptable.
Profit is if one makes more than one's labor is worth.
That would be based on subjective evaluations.

So children scaring their fingers in boiling dyepots to produce fast fashions that will fill global landfills are profiteering?
Aren't they expending their health and future?
How would you qualify that as profit?

I would say profit is that which rises above need or merit.

I don't worship at capitalist altar of profits.
What sacrifices there would be too great?
Sacrificing not only the planet's livability but survivability seems incredibly irrational to me.
Profit is income minus expenses. It presumes private property rights, a central square under an oak tree where things are exchanged willingly by public outcry, a government to insure children don't have to work, nukes to enforce that law, and who can also get some tax money to pay the light bill. Anything other than that is not Capitalism, it is something else and we don't like it. If you don't like Capitalism, tell me which of those components you don't like. Otherwise your issue is with someone else.
Mar 8, 2022
Profit is just a part of organic existence.
A curve is longer than a straight line.
Profit is a mismatch of measures and one should be circumspect about it.
The idea of leverage & pressure comes to mind.

'Ownership' is a concept where something is supposedly subjugated to some entity.
The reasons and wherefore of that are generally complex and not without questions.

Every time gold was discovered on treaty granted lands (in the US) the land was inevitability taken (stolen) back.

So getting over the top sanctimonious about 'property rights' borders on the absud.

What about the human species collective property rights?
Clean oxygenated air to breathe?
Clean water to drink?
How about not putting the human species' future under the auction block of a corporate AI blindly programmed for profit with no other considerations included.
(Or some orgiastic maniac blindly pursuing profits)

I accept that we are largely a hyperbolic maniacal species,
but pretenses of some kind of rational stature for the insanity has no standing in credibility.
Mar 8, 2022
The Supreme Court has allowed for eminent domain to force you to sell at a nominal price your property and home to some private developer if some government sanctions it.
Better wake up and smell the real coffee, dear.
The large monieyed interests take precedence over anything or anyone else, including you and yours.
The Supreme Court has allowed for eminent domain to force you to sell at a nominal price your property and home to some private developer if some government sanctions it.
Better wake up and smell the real coffee, dear.
The large monieyed interests take precedence over anything or anyone else, including you and yours.
Correct, Supreme Court rulings are known as "due process". I'm OK with that.
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