This new map of ice on Mars could guide future astronauts


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Interesting read, notably:

"The most important of those resources is water ice, which can not only help keep Mars pioneers alive but also facilitate their trips back to Earth. (Water can be split into its constituent hydrogen and oxygen, the chief components of rocket fuel.) Setting up a base near accessible water also makes scientific sense, for it's possible that signs of Mars life, if it ever existed, could be found in or near such spots. "

Cat :)
I think the permanent water-ice layer extends in the north to about 60 deg. lat. That is like our Oslo or Anchorage latitudes.

Perhaps there are ravines or craters at lower latitudes that benefit from shading, as is found in the south polar region of the Moon, that will have better sunlight (nearby) and still have water ice.