This Week In Space podcast: Episode 137 —Strange New Worlds

Mar 31, 2020
Visit site is a very popular website that provides news in astronomy. We all enjoy its news columns and podcasts. Its expertise is unparalleled. One of its best features however, is its comments section. Topics such as 'Life on Other Worlds' and 'UAP Disclosure' are fascinating and provide a wide interest to the public. It is disappointing that the comments section has been shutdown prematurely with regards to popular stories. A recent story concerning AARO was not open to further replies at all. Why not 'allow' comments on popular stories? There will always be two sides to every story.


Discussions are brought to an end for a variety of reasons. Often, as a result of multiple members straying off the original topic. When closed, it is for the good of the community, to prevent unintended consequences.