Twisted light from the beginning of time could reveal brand-new physics

Perhaps someday I may read a report that discloses the time slice and time of the postulated event(s) relative to BB event and period. The period from Planck time to 4 minutes after the BB, much is new or exotic physics (especially near the 1 second mark and earlier) and does QM measurements in the lab today measure these extremely short time intervals and energy interactions, demonstrating they exist in nature? For example, in relation to Planck time through 4 minutes after BB, when does dark matter and dark energy appear and is its origin explained using the new physics? Interesting report here though.
After reading some more on the expansion of space, I note this in the article. "A pair of Japanese scientists looked at the polarization or orientation of light from the cosmic microwave background radiation, some of the earliest light emitted after the universe's birth. They found the polarization of photons, or light particles, might be slightly rotated from their original orientation when the light was first produced. And dark energy or dark matter may have been responsible for that rotation. (Dark energy is a hypothetical force that is flinging the universe apart, while proposed dark matter is a substance that exerts gravitational pull yet does not interact with light.)"

In BB cosmology, the vacuum energy of space is very sensitive. New physics and exotic particles keep showing up in the BB cosmology models :) Here is an interesting report the other day on the topic. 'The Cosmological Constant Is Physics’ Most Embarrassing Problem',

My observation. Interesting report on the Cosmological Constant problem in the expanding universe model. It is still clearly a big problem in this report and not yet solved. Comments like this from the report show the Cosmological Constant is a big deal in cosmology, while others would like to ignore the issue. “The problem with vacuum energy is that there's not enough of it. When scientists first started thinking about the concept, they calculated that this energy should be huge—it should have expanded the universe so forcefully and quickly that no stars and galaxies ever formed.” Another comment in this report “One of the first people to notice something was amiss was physicist Wolfgang Pauli, who found in the 1920s that this energy should be so strong that the cosmos should have expanded long past the point where light could traverse the distance between any of the objects in it. The whole of the observable universe, Pauli calculated, “would not even reach to the moon.” He was reportedly amused by his estimation, and no one took it seriously at the time. The first to formally calculate the value of the cosmological constant based on quantum theory's predictions for the vacuum energy was physicist Yakov Zel'dovich, who found in 1967 that the energy should make the cosmological constant gigantic.”

The Cosmological Constant is a free parameter in GR, you can set it to whatever is needed. It appears that BB cosmology has more problems here than commonly reported, I was glad to read the scientificamerican site report. Tweaking new physics and exotic particles dumping into the vacuum energy suggest this problem is not going away but perhaps, becoming more of a problem.