UFO answers coming soon? US government to report on mysterious sightings


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
"Over the past few years, we've learned that U.S. Navy pilots commonly see unidentified flying objects, some of which appear to be far faster and more maneuverable than their own aircraft.

You've probably seen footage of a few such encounters, thanks to Christopher Mellon, who served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for intelligence under President Bill Clinton and President George W. Bush. "

Some answers would be nice.

Cat :)
It should be enlightening to see the *official* answer(s) here. Yesterday on radio news I listened to, the report said some of these objects may travel at 13,000 mph. That is fast but is not Earth orbit speed, Earth escape velocity, and no indication these objects can zip to the Moon and back. Consider now 4728 confirmed exoplanets, http://exoplanet.eu/

Should be interesting to see the *official* answer as to which exoplanet these objects came from or perhaps no E.T. phoning home here at all :)
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Apr 3, 2020
I, too, shall wait for something more significant than a couple YT videos and "I'm not sure what I saw" statements.

Given the preponderance of cameras and other sensors on the planet, I would assume more such sightings (but that isn't the case).

Then there is the whole "keep a secret thing". A confirmation of this magnitude would never stay under wraps. This unveiling doesn't count toward that.
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Mar 7, 2021
Based on the logic involved in recognizing vast cosmic distances and the expenses of interstellar travel (in terms of fuel, transit time, etc.) the most likely place alien craft would come here from is the nearest star with a habitable planet or two.

That would be the star Proxima Centauri and its planet Proxima b.
The star itself is a red dwarf, prone to outbursts of outrageous crimson radiation. This month astronomers have observed a spate of deadly red solar flares erupting from Proxima Centauri. The blasts of radiation may present mortal danger to any living things that are at home on the star's planets.

Proxima b's orbit is a close one to the star.

The UFO's / UAP's that have recently arrived in such numbers as to cause the US government to abandon any further attempts to conceal the fact of visitations here by alien technology are acting differently than UFO's and their crews do in movies or TV shows or even SciFi books.

In fiction the aliens quickly make contact with humanity, whether friend or foe. They either communicate their hostile intentions by opening fire on us, or they give us some cliche message about our stewardship of planet Earth and its environment ( a la Gretta Thornberg) or a warm fuzzy wave like Spielberg's ET.

By contrast these real life visitors haven't said a word, nor have they communicated any message, hostile or friendly, via overt actions.

I think that's an ominous situation. It may indicate nonconcern, intellectual disregard or even contempt.

If the ships now arriving contain - or represent a fleet of drones scouting for - advanced aliens fleeing the red star's flare up in the Proxima Centauri system, they haven't come all this way just to turn around and go home because this beach is already occupied.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
The number of galaxy groups > galaxies > stars > solar systems > planets in the Universe runs into billions of billions of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

And you think not one other planet has intelligent life?

Cat :)
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
The nearest stars are just over 4 light years away. It would take over 400 years at 1% speed of light, which is still impossibly high. OK It would take 4 years to send a radio message, but what language would they speak? Most stars are millions to billions of times further away.

What sort of true evidence are you expecting? And why do you think they would want to communicate anyway?

Cat :)
Jul 27, 2020
Perhaps the antigravity propulsion system has been in development for many years in many countries , and these flying objects are the result of that .

Feb 11, 2021
The nearest stars are just over 4 light years away. It would take over 400 years at 1% speed of light, which is still impossibly high. OK It would take 4 years to send a radio message, but what language would they speak? Most stars are millions to billions of times further away.

What sort of true evidence are you expecting? And why do you think they would want to communicate anyway?

Cat :)
I would like to see photo evidence of it although I know it's impossible. No, no, I don't think they want to communicate with us. Who knows, if the nearest civilization is similar to ours and also doesn't have so advanced technology to get to us, and we all will lose ourselves in conjectures for many years and won't find out about the existence of each other...
I'm of the cynical opinion that the long awaited, anticipated, hope for, and demanded report on UFO's from the U.S. Government will go down in history as a superlative bit of bureaucratic writing akin to a politician voting "present". But, let' see.
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Mar 7, 2021
Agencies of the US government, along with other governments around the world, have experienced an evolution of understanding about the unidentified objects in Earth's skies (and now, according to the US Navy, submerged in Earth's seas as well).


The above excellent article from the New Yorker lists the milestones of military history that changed military and government minds about the reality of the uncanny vessels that show up in our skies and oceans. It covers the witness of airline pilots as well, and references satellite imagery, extraordinary photographs, thermal images and gun camera videos as well as satellite imagery.

Governments from Latin America to Iran, unusual bedfellows for Washington, DC, have seen their own surprising and absolutely conclusive evidence of the existence of these mysterious craft.

Clearly these flying objects operate by means of an advanced technology that is beyond anything made by man. Laymen like me are not telling you that - - government officials are now telling you that.

The subtitle of the New Yorker article contains good advice for some forum users here on Space.com
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Feb 11, 2021
Well, the bigger part of me tends to believe that aliens don't exist, whereas other starts to doubt when someone puts forward arguments (like you here:)), that's why I'm not sure that I stand by my words. I understand that it sounds silly, but it's just me..
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May 19, 2021
Well, the bigger part of me tends to believe that aliens don't exist, whereas other starts to doubt when someone puts forward arguments (like you here:)), that's why I'm not sure that I stand by my words. I understand that it sounds silly, but it's just me..
By "aliens don't exist" do you mean anywhere in the universe, or that have visited Earth? Let's define "belief" as a spectrum, rather than binary, and the question as "Does intelligent life exist in the universe other than on Earth?". I would wager that the vast majority of educated, science literate adults would lean pretty heavily in the direction of "yes" to that question, while also admitting we don't know with certainty yet. And to the question "Have intelligent extraterrestrial beings or their technology visited Earth", most would lean heavily toward "not likely". Although the percentages are likely somewhat smaller on that 2nd question. Agree or disagree with my perspective?
Even in this galaxy, maybe even in this section of the galaxy, life other than Earth life must exist. And as we know from our own experiences with life existing even inside hot sulfurous volcanoes and inside bubbles of huge ice sheets here on Earth, there is little regarding environment where it cannot exist. To think that we are the only lifeform advanced in spatial thinking, complexity, structures and infrastructure is to be arrogant to the max as a species. Or to be frightened that we aren't. I like the way George Lucas presented it all in the Star Wars saga, from the sheer variety of alienness to the sheer presence of artificial intelligence existing and working alongside and with natural life. In other words, the Universe of life eventually handles to some degree the "Wild", its diversity, competitively, conflictingly, alien likes and friends and allies, alien likes and enemies and isolationists, all of it (the complexity of it all).

But what has bothered me to some extent concerning the sightings is the shapes observed. The said "near impossible movements" of the things bother me not at all. But those shapes! Then I realized those shapes might not be of vessels themselves but shapes of varying force fields. Our radars and our (formal-professional military-civilian) observations might be of differing odd shaped geometries of force fields which we are not penetrating either visually or by instrumentation.

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