You people seem to like UFO talk. So let me share an experience.<br /><br />One cool night when I was 14 years old, I snuck out of our house at around 2:00 AM. Fully equipped with eggs, I was ready to make way to one of our neighbors. You get the picture. <br /><br />Dressed in dark colored sweats, I darted across two driveways to place myself behind the next-door neighbors stone mailbox. There is a street lamp that shines down on the other side of the road as it is a T where two streets join. <br /><br />With no occupied vehicles or people in sight, I began to step forward though still slightly crouched. I intended to cross cattycorner to the other side of this intersection and make my way through an empty lot and towards the home of my adversary. This is when I saw something coming up the hill out of the corner of my left eye. <br /><br />It stopped right in front of my face, this ball of misty, swirling white light. It took about one half a second for its tail to catch it. Before I could do much of anything, it took off to the right while keeping a constant distance above the curve of the street. It then made a sharp left turn at that perimeter of the neighborhood and carried on up that street and out of sight with the tail chasing it.<br /><br />I was terrified and ran back inside our house as fast as I could - I'm certain I ran fast as I had clocked a 5:14 mile at this point in my life. <br /><br />Now while looking out my bathroom window a few days later, I saw the damned thing stop in front of our mailbox. It was the middle of the afternoon. I decided not to say anything about it all, but I later changed my mind.<br /><br />So a few months later I brought it up at dinner. My brother said he had seen this thing too, once in the daylight, and it had stopped in front of our mailbox.<br /><br />I tell you this ball thing was real, and it was intelligent to some degree. Sometimes I wonder what it was doing. I do think it was gathering information, and I imagine oth