<font size="5">Voyager probes in funding crisis</font> <br /><i>BBC NEWS</i><br /><br /><br />Nasa's twin Voyager probes may have to close down in October to save money, the US space agency has said. <br />Launched in 1977, Voyagers One and Two are now more than 14 billion and 11 billion km from Earth, respectively. <br /><br />They are on their final mission to locate the boundary between the Sun's domain and interstellar space. <br /><br />But the agency's Earth-Sun System division has had to cut its budget for next year from $74m to $53m, meaning that some projects will be abandoned. <br /><br />Although the Voyager probes are thought to have another 15 years of life left in them, they are very expensive to run, costing Nasa about $4.2m a year for operations and data analysis. <br /><br />Other missions like Ulysses, which was launched in 1990 to explore the Sun's polar regions, might also have to be abandoned after the end of the fiscal year in October. <br /><br />Although the decision is not yet final, some Nasa scientists are preparing themselves for the worst. Voyager project scientist Edward Stone of the California Institute of Technology told Nature magazine: "We are currently developing a plan for shutdown." <br /><br /> <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <font color="#800080">"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring" - <strong>Chuck Palahniuk</strong>.</font> </div>