Watch an ancient ice sheet cover the British Isles then vanish, in eerie time-lapse animation


Oct 23, 2019
Yes it's declining since the ice age - "what a surprise" and "what a surprise" that the temperatures have been rising since 1850s, the end of the "small ice age". Disturbing is the comment: " And the data driving the animation may help scientists to better understand how modern ice loss due to climate change contributes to sea-level rise. "
To lie is not only to tell the untruth. For instance, in Germany we got this bad experiences sind the WWII. Each battle shown in the "Deutsche Wochenschau" from 1942-1945 was won - but the war was lost by the Nazi regime.
Therefore to keep the balance: and it's still gowing.
I think it is impossible to show that the Earth's climate in not warming, on average, with the data we have available. Ice may be accumulating in some places, but, in total, we are seeing far less ice on the planet.

Where the difficulties come in is with trying to determine how much of that warming is due to human activities and how much of it is natural cycles. Further, trying to parse out how much warming is due to specific aspects of human activities introduces even more uncertainties for attempts to develop policies to reduce the overall contributions from humans.

New satellite observations will be helpful in detecting emission locations of various greenhouse gases and will probably help with creating better models of their dynamics in our atmosphere.
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Agreed U.E.

It‘s hard to argue against warming given Chicago once was under ~ 1 mile of ice. :)

The good news is the bandwagon has gained more in science than it has in crisis trumpeters, I hope.

The early assessment of up to 8.5C has been cut by about half, seemingly declining with each major report, though no one is suggesting the planet isn‘t warming. (see The climate ‘crisis’ isn’t what it used to be)

The term I like used is “climate sensitivity” -- how sensitive is climate to each of the numerous variables, including CO2?

I just returned from a meeting where large construction equipment will be battery operated. I suspect there is no serious full assessment of all the real pros and cons to this. They are doing it because politicians/bureaucrocies will require them, regardless of price, apparently. [Europe first.]

Why is there a hint of “crazy” in “bureaucracy”? ;)
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Yes it's declining since the ice age - "what a surprise" and "what a surprise" that the temperatures have been rising since 1850s, the end of the "small ice age". Disturbing is the comment: " And the data driving the animation may help scientists to better understand how modern ice loss due to climate change contributes to sea-level rise. "
To lie is not only to tell the untruth. For instance, in Germany we got this bad experiences sind the WWII. Each battle shown in the "Deutsche Wochenschau" from 1942-1945 was won - but the war was lost by the Nazi regime.
Therefore to keep the balance: and it's still gowing.
Yes, and Alaska has some glaciers growing, but the net is shrinkage. East Antarctica has growth regions, but the net is less, partially due to underwater geothermal activity (west) apparently.

These reports shows how more science can improve the real picture, and reduce the demagogs’ influences, hopefully.
Yes it's declining since the ice age - "what a surprise" and "what a surprise" that the temperatures have been rising since 1850s, the end of the "small ice age". Disturbing is the comment: " And the data driving the animation may help scientists to better understand how modern ice loss due to climate change contributes to sea-level rise. "
To lie is not only to tell the untruth. For instance, in Germany we got this bad experiences sind the WWII. Each battle shown in the "Deutsche Wochenschau" from 1942-1945 was won - but the war was lost by the Nazi regime.
Therefore to keep the balance: and it's still gowing.
You might enjoy this article on the glacier decline in Glacier Nat. Park.

LIA -- Little Ice Age
  • A ~50% loss from LIA to 1966 (~115 years), averaging a loss of ~4.5% per decade.
  • Additional ~12% loss from 1966-98 (32 years), averaging a loss of ~3.7% per decade.
  • Additional ~4.75% loss from 1998-2015 (27 years), averaging a loss of ~1.75% per decade.


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