Watch Atlas V rocket launch on its final national security mission early July 30

May 25, 2024
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The Air Force demands a very large fairing, for the moment only ULA has that capacity, which also includes the X-37B, the new Falcon Heavy fairing with a similar capacity has not yet debuted, I don't know why these launches are not made with the Vulcan Centaur but instead this venerable Atlas V continues with its legendary 1 RD-180 engines made in Russia.
Aug 21, 2020
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The Air Force demands a very large fairing, for the moment only ULA has that capacity, which also includes the X-37B, the new Falcon Heavy fairing with a similar capacity has not yet debuted, I don't know why these launches are not made with the Vulcan Centaur but instead this venerable Atlas V continues with its legendary 1 RD-180 engines made in Russia.

They use Atlas V because they already have the engines in inventory. They are already paid for, manufactured and waiting to launch. All the remaining Atlas V rockets launches were also scheduled long ago and the payloads were designed to fit in its fairing.
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