Watch Clouds on Mars Drift by in Supercomputer Simulations

Weather models are a daily staple of life on Earth, but they can go interplanetary as well, sometimes with a boost from Earth's most sophisticated computers.

Watch Clouds on Mars Drift by in Supercomputer Simulations : Read more

Enjoyable views of the Martian clouds here :) Rarely I have observed clouds on Mars but sometimes do with my telescopes using planetary filters. Last year during Mars opposition in July 2018, many amateurs using their telescopes reported the dust storm - I did too, yellowish or pumpkin color Mars. In October 2020, we have another opportunity to view Mars closer up during opposition time. I am looking forward to this. In 2018, Mars angular size 24" in telescope view - very good size. Next year, Mars angular size about 22" so a bit farther from Earth but still should provide some excellent telescope observations. Go get Mars :)

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