Watch the Full Pink Moon 2024 bloom in the night sky tonight

"That's great news for skywatchers because the full moon's brightness makes spotting other cosmic targets quite difficult when they are indeed above us; tonight, however, those targets won't even be an option. It's a night to focus solely on the moon."

Last night where I live in MD, the nearly full Moon was up in a clear sky with cool temperatures. No lights where I am at, just moonlight flooding the fields, pastures, and woods. No telescope observations, moonlight fills the night sky, lovely to see but difficult to view faint objects as reported here.


Apr 1, 2020
Always enjoyed seeing my shadow via the light of a full moon. Difficult if there's too much light pollution, as with my current situation, but as a kid, living out among the cornfields of MN, pretty easy.

-Wolf sends
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Wolfshadw, yes it is very lovely to see your shadow or shadow of trees by moonlight over fields and pastures. Glad you could experience that in life. Last October I was up in Balsam lake, WI and Shafer MN (very large barn and farm area and fields). Very dark skies up there, I could see the Milky Way easily running from Cassiopeia thru Cygnus and into Sagittarius. Great dark sky in remote and very rural areas of MN.

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