Water on the moon is present even outside of dark craters, study confirms

I note in the paper cited this about the origin of water on the Moon. "It is a product of pulverization of the lunar surface by billions of years of meteorite impacts of all sizes. ", Regional Map of Molecular Water at High Southern Latitudes on the Moon Using 6 μm Data From the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy - Honniball - 2022 - Geophysical Research Letters - Wiley Online Library

That would be challenging to compute all the water that should be on the Moon from all those large and small impacts over 4.5 Gyr time scale and water rate of loss. There is some discussion now at the forums on impacts and how this changes geology and abiogenesis studies. At one time, the Moon was nothing more than a large, magma ocean in the night sky according to the giant impact model using Theia.

Why pummeled planets may be promising abodes for alien life, https://forums.space.com/threads/why-pummeled-planets-may-be-promising-abodes-for-alien-life.57414/

Giant meteorite strikes in Earth's distant history may have helped form continents, https://forums.space.com/threads/gi...istory-may-have-helped-form-continents.57185/


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