Water vapor detected on Jupiter's ocean moon Europa

Searched "Water vapor . . . " for "were indications of life detected previously" but could not find.
Am I misunderstanding/missing something?

Cat :)
Cat: the last paragraph in the article states that the Europa Clipper will arrive by 2030 and among other things look for landing sites and life detection. This may indicate an added cost to the mission. It just seems to me that the scientific folks know something that the general public doesn't. I'm just curious and "nit picky" since any extra costs will be incurred by European agencies.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
OK, I think I am getting the picture. The NASA connection seems to be that they know of some future interest, so are suggesting location of a landing site?

The 'geyser' seems to be related to a warmer area close to the surface, which is why it appears only at that point - but there seems a suggestion that the reason is unknown? Does this mean that the reason for the warm 'spot' is not known - otherwise where is the mystery?

Cat :)
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OK, I think I am getting the picture. The NASA connection seems to be that they know of some future interest, so are suggesting location of a landing site?

The 'geyser' seems to be related to a warmer area close to the surface, which is why it appears only at that point - but there seems a suggestion that the reason is unknown? Does this mean that the reason for the warm 'spot' is not known - otherwise where is the mystery?

Cat :)
Cat: NASA and ever other space agency draw political and financial support from the possibility of finding extraterrestrial life. An inkling here and innuendo there tantalizes the taxpayers. My cynicism is overt.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Sorry. I have enough time wasting rubbish from politics this side of the pond to try to understand what goes on in our departed colony. US is probably better without George something or other, or, context removed by moderator??? one who was beheaded context removed by moderator :) :) :)

Ooops, sorry. my keyboard seemed to go a bit funny there. Ignore it please (or have a laugh).

I refuse to be diverted from keeping my brain active and developing. I used to play trumpet in an amateur jazz band. I am now taking up keyboard (via headset so no one hears the magic of my playing. I love languages, and I was adding Italian to my French and German. However, I decided my brain needed more stimulation, so I am learning Russian. The challenge of a different alphabet with 33 letters is keeping me awake. Then you have vowel reduction:

"In phonetics, vowel reduction is any of various changes in the acoustic quality of vowels as a result of changes in stress, sonority, duration, loudness, articulation, or position in the word (e.g. for the Creek language[1]), and which are perceived as "weakening". It most often makes the vowels shorter as well."

So, in Russian, you not only have a different alphabet, but the vowels change if they are not stressed. In English, for example, it seems easy, but, it is not in a different language. Take the sentence = "You are as good as you believe you are", believe might be pronounced BEE LEE V. Because the LEE is stressed, the BEE becomes buh as in buh LEE vuh.

All this is, of course, subsidiary to my interest in cosmology/astronomy/planetary science/geology which I am undertaking (extramural) to university degree level.

Anyway, apologies for ranting on. I would just like to endorse to all 'getting on' the policy of keeping your brain active.

Cat :)
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Sorry. I have enough time wasting rubbish from politics this side of the pond to try to understand what goes on in our departed colony. US is probably better without George something or other, or, context removed by moderator??? one who was beheaded context removed by moderator :) :) :)

Ooops, sorry. my keyboard seemed to go a bit funny there. Ignore it please (or have a laugh).

I refuse to be diverted from keeping my brain active and developing. I used to play trumpet in an amateur jazz band. I am now taking up keyboard (via headset so no one hears the magic of my playing. I love languages, and I was adding Italian to my French and German. However, I decided my brain needed more stimulation, so I am learning Russian. The challenge of a different alphabet with 33 letters is keeping me awake. Then you have vowel reduction:

"In phonetics, vowel reduction is any of various changes in the acoustic quality of vowels as a result of changes in stress, sonority, duration, loudness, articulation, or position in the word (e.g. for the Creek language[1]), and which are perceived as "weakening". It most often makes the vowels shorter as well."

So, in Russian, you not only have a different alphabet, but the vowels change if they are not stressed. In English, for example, it seems easy, but, it is not in a different language. Take the sentence = "You are as good as you believe you are", believe might be pronounced BEE LEE V. Because the LEE is stressed, the BEE becomes buh as in buh LEE vuh.

All this is, of course, subsidiary to my interest in cosmology/astronomy/planetary science/geology which I am undertaking (extramural) to university degree level.

Anyway, apologies for ranting on. I would just like to endorse to all 'getting on' the policy of keeping your brain active.

Cat :)
Cat: I enjoyed what you called a rant; it wasn't; it was sound advice/example and appreciated on a dull, dreary New York day; I did laugh. N.B.: (If I forthrightly wrote my opinion on the current American political tax boondoggle situations, especially the space efforts, the site monitor would have acute apoplexy). For me, your study of languages is awesome, challenging and daunting when considering your scientific interests. Fortunately, I have the complete works of Shakespeare which is better than my Psychology course and the use of English is memorable. (Richard the Third is ..... well great). Sadly, my time is at a premium and a "night owl" I'm not.
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"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Water vapor detected on Jupiter's ocean moon Europa

What more can I say? Europa appears to be leaking in the bottom left corner.

Languages are normal here. I did French and German (as well as Latin) at 'O' level GCE, which was General Certificate of Education, and later travelled a lot in France and Germany. Practice makes perfect, or, at least helps you to improve. Google Translate is fantastic for helping to learn languages.

Cat :)
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Water vapor detected on Jupiter's ocean moon Europa

What more can I say? Europa appears to be leaking in the bottom left corner.

Languages are normal here. I did French and German (as well as Latin) at 'O' level GCE, which was General Certificate of Education, and later travelled a lot in France and Germany. Practice makes perfect, or, at least helps you to improve. Google Translate is fantastic for helping to learn languages.

Cat :)
Cat: I admire your experience and intellectual drive. In this country, the uniqueness of conversational English is replete with the language equivalent of "knuckle dragging", a use of other language words, and fluid grammatical rules. It is both amusing and funny.
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