WB movie/TV schedule

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Release dates

Green Lantern - The Animated Series on the Cartoon Network: fall 2011

Green Lantern: June 17, 2011

Sherlock Holmes 2: December 2011

Batman Begins III: July 20, 2012

Superman - Man of Steel: Holidays 2012

The Flash: date pending

In development: Aquaman, Wonder Woman and one featuring the characters from MAD Magazine.


And one featuring the characters from MAD Magazine.[/quote]

Now, that would be a sight to behold! What kind of show would it be? Spy vs. Spy scenes running thru the story line?
Pick a current topic and get funny with it? Just a thought, maybe you could fold the last scene in three to reveal the answer.

I read that one much of my childhood at 35c, cheap! What, me worry was my mantra for a long while. I still remember some of the songs they re-versed to this day. Ground Round, (sung to Down Town), Keep Your Head Out of a Plastic Bag,(sung to You're a Grand Ole Flag).

But that one would probably take some thot to come up with something to match the content of the mag.



Yer posting stuff for 16 months from now?

Oh well, at least you got firsties :)


docm":l71lgm9l said:
...and one featuring the characters from MAD Magazine.

I'd heard it will be based on the characters from "Spy Versus Spy."


I'd heard it will be based on the characters from "Spy Versus Spy."[/

Now that may be feasiable, But could it be sustained for 2 hours?

Or would it be like other shows like, The Sound of Thunder, a short story expanded to full length. I got it for $10.00, and for that price not a bad story. No wonder it did not make it to the theater.

Edit note- I also have wondered how he can always get the good low-down on all those show concepts.


HRacct":1heb4m8i said:
I'd heard it will be based on the characters from "Spy Versus Spy."[/

Now that may be feasiable, But could it be sustained for 2 hours?

I loved Spy VS Spy. It should not be too hard for a decent writer to take that Spy VS Spy concept and all those cartoon scenes and meld them into one storyline. Sort of like when they did that one movie out of scenes from the Road Runner cartoon show. Don't remember the name of the movie, but the main character was named for his father: Handsome Stranger. LOL. It was a star studded cast too, I think Gov. Arnold was the leading man (he was alot younger then.)
Yeah, I think it could be done and it doesn't have to be a cartoon, either!
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