Well it is clear that something serious went wrong with the systems management at Space.com (SDC) or InfoPop. <br /><br />When a piece of hardware breaks down, it is usually a simple matter to replace the hardware (disk drive, memory, or the whole system) and then restore the volumes from backup. When a web-server goes down at a well managed operation, a few configuration changes and a push of the site(s) can bring another box online in minutes. <br /><br />The backend databases that store active content are usually redundant (replicated, clustered, etc) and NEVER go down. Non redundant databases should be back online in hours – basically repair the hardware (or new box) and do a restore from last backup. <br /><br />So what is happing with the SDC message boards? We don’t know. All SDC is willing to post is “Sorry, the message board is temporarily out of service. -- SPACE.com”. I’m sorry, that’s ok for a few hours, or a day, but not for 9 days so far. What kind of communication is that? <br /><br />You would think that SDC at least cares about the traffic that the board community brings to their site. It seems just rude that someone at SDC would not post a better message than “sorry – out of service”. I’m sure there are hundreds interested people that want to know what happened to the boards, what they are doing to correct the problem, what exactly is the problem, when if ever they will be back, etc. <br /><br />As far as I know I am posting in some kind of limbo board world. Maybe we are not supposed to be using the boards. I don’t know. I usually just say it like I see it. The normal clique of things sometimes gets out of whack for a while. <br /><br />Here are some conjectures about the SDC boards. <br /><br />1) SDC is going under and at the end of the fiscal year (6/30/04) they stopped paying the bill to InfoPop to supply the message boards… InfoPop pulled the plug in a bad way… <br /><br />2) SDC does not see enough increased traffic to their site from the boards to justify