Interesting report. I note here, "What came before the Big Bang? Because of the enclosed and finite nature of the universe, we cannot see "outside" of our own universe. Space and time began with the Big Bang. While there are a number of speculations about the existence of other universes, there is no practical way to observe them, and as such there will never be any evidence for (or against!) them. Where did the Big Bang happen? The Big Bang did not happen at a single point but instead was the appearance of space and time throughout the entire universe at once, according to Live Science."
Okay, *no practical way to observe them* and *The Big Bang did not happen at a single point but instead was the appearance of space and time throughout the entire universe at once*.
Just how can we observe this postulate where space and time suddenly appear everywhere? This looks like an instantaneous action at a distance force used in cosmology at the moment of the Big Bang to explain the origin of the universe we see in astronomy today. Here are some earlier reports on BB at the forums.
The Big Bang: What really happened at our universe's birth?,
The history of the universe: Big Bang to now in 10 easy steps,
The BB model uses a metric developed from Einstein GR that uses 4D space expanding, not 3D space. 4D space uses a hyperspace dimension to explain the redshifts and redshifts of objects => 1.4, are expanding faster than c velocity using their comoving radial distances. Using the standard of observing in this report, what practical way is there to observe the objects at their comoving radial distances from Earth, traveling in 4D space expanding faster than c velocity? It seems there is more to the BB model that may not be observable today than commonly reported to the public.
So my simple summary. We have an instantaneous action at a distance force in the BB model that creates space and time everywhere at the moment of the BB event. Today, we have 4D space expanding faster than c velocity with galaxies in them where redshifts => 1.4, that we cannot observe today at their comoving radial distances to check that 4D space is moving faster than c velocity. Cosmology is an amazing science