What would happen if Earth suddenly stopped spinning?

The article states, "Earth makes one complete rotation on its axis every 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4.09053 seconds. This translates to land at the equator moving at about 1,100 mph (1,770 km/h), with rotational velocity decreasing to zero at the poles, according to Zimbelman. If the planet were to come to an abrupt halt, the angular momentum imparted to the air, water and even rocks along the equator would keep moving at this speed of 1,100 mph. The movement would scour the surface while ripping it apart and sending shards into the upper regions of the atmosphere and outer space."

Okay, that spin speed is about 0.464 km/s at the equator. However, various reports indicate Earth was spinning much faster billions of years ago. A recent report at space.com shows Earth had a 21 hour day, 2 billion years ago, https://forums.space.com/threads/slowdown-of-earths-spin-caused-an-oxygen-surge.40239/ The spin rate now at the equator, about 0.53 km/s. Another past report indicates an 18 hour day, 1.4 billion years ago so a spin rate about 0.6184 km/s, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/06/180604151200.htm

Other reports indicate the early Earth some 4.5 billion years ago, had a 6 hour day or less. The spin rate now could be some 1.86 km/s at the equator or faster. Just think how objects would fly off the surface of Earth if suddenly stopped using these different rotation speeds :) Verifying such angular momentum changes concerning Earth's past spin rates through geologic time is another story though. Starting with the present there could be spin speeds 0.46 km/s, Precambrian 0.53 km/s, 0.62 km/s, and some faster than 1.86 km/s at the beginning :)
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