Whats next for humanity and space?

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The Next Step


Agriculture: enabled humanity the luxury of time to flourish in an ever technological expanding chain of events that have led us here to the days of our modern century . That was the change of yesterday, the change of today must continue, Simply put.


Global unification: Ether on the pinnacle of human destruction by a greater threat than our own or on the miracle of peace and plenty.

Survival of the fittest: "Increase and multiply, and fill the earth" - Genesis 1:28: In the age past this was relevant to all societies on earth in keeping the human races alive, today this evolutionary trait or commandment is one of the many ways that will be humanities demise, over population and consumption of natural resources used to be something that there was plenty of, now though, we are getting close to maximum expansion. This is what has happened to islands inhabited by humans and other civilizations that have disappeared in our past. Could the rest of the world be near? "In just a few centuries, the people of Easter Island wiped out their forest, drove their plants and animals to extinction, and saw their complex society spiral into chaos and cannibalism. Are we about to follow their lead?" -Jared Diamond. The next step to avoid this is simple, expansion or destruction.

Colonization: Expansion is only beneficial to those that win, this has been seen in the colonization of the new world where Europe was over crowded and the Americas allowed for the expansion of trade and resources. The question still remains, were does humanity expand once the world has reached its limits? Simple, colonization of other plants or continuous war from societies fighting one another for the same reasons just spoken about. Colonizing is another one of humanities great triumphs but with it comes the curse of war and yet another method for humanities destruction. "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein. New worlds is the brightest and most logical answer.

Looking to the stars: In order to progress further in human growth as a species we need to start focusing on the next location we can expand to and gain resources to continue the legacy of the human race. Lets face it, we need to start now in order to be ready later. Colonization of other planets will increase humanities survival rate. Over the last few million years or when god has willed it, many species on a global level have suffered mass extinction all the way from climate changes to asteroids colliding with earth. There are a million ways humanity could be wiped out naturally or celestially not considering our own methods of self extermination. Being able to colonize other bodies in space allows us as humanity to have a fighting chance in the long run and not to become victim as so many other organisms have succumbed to in there own environment. With this said, the people of Earth need to start focusing and Investing into a method of transport, space technology.

Sailing in space: Space today is no longer in the hands of countries with the organization and money to undertake the challenge of creating space technology. Now the movement into exploration of space has become privatized by many companies around the world (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pr ... _companies). This is good, this speeds up the process and improves how far and when we can push further into space. Although this is an improvement, there is plenty of room for more. Investing more into the effectiveness and efficiency of space travel will allow humanity to reap the rewards later on, the most obvious, human survival, and a few others like expansion into unimaginable resources, trade, waste disposal, and many other possibilities. Technologies such as traveling through space, leaving earths atmosphere, life support, resistance to radiation, reliability and increasing launch windows needs to be greatly improved. The problem is with all the "spin off" technologies, it is in our best interests stop trying to find short cuts for cheap and to start spending for better results. The world needs to start taking a more active role in traveling further into space and not viewing space for scientists entertainment only, but realize it is a need that will have to be faced. The sooner we meet humanities next step for survival the better off the world will be. Space = human survival which means that it is in common interest for all countries, cultures, religions and societies alike.

Political shout : The world should and needs to partake in this, reaching other worlds is not for a select few countries or a crazy scifi idea, it is for humanity, people need to know why improving our space technology is so vital and important, this is the opportunity to get the world involved in one common goal, it might not be a permanent unification, but it is towards something very important for us all and that needs to be pushed up and addressed by the governments of the worlds countries to come together and invest in traveling to new worlds and terraforming, making sure humanity has a new home to move to when this one becomes to over crowded. People will say they do not care, its never going to happen, how is it there problem, there not gonna be alive when it happens, and many other comments about investing into space. What will our children be saying when the world is on the brink of destruction or over populated, resources depleted? We need to start now, making this a big deal, all other interests aside, into days age this is the most important one. Who needs war when we have plenty of land a resources to go around on another planet? The colonization of new worlds will change the very ways of human societies for the better, more than we know.

In short: Agricultural allowed us to "civilize". Technology has allowed us to expand and give astronomical rise in population. Agriculture and rise in population also bred war for space and resources. We are now living in a world that is running out of space, technology has given us a key to succeed were other organisms have failed and become extinct. We have the chance to improve our human survival rate by expanding to the stars and giving humanity more land and resources = less war and more unification towards a common goal. The colonization of space. "... the goal isn't just scientific exploration ... it's also about extending the range of human habitat out from Earth into the solar system as we go forward in time ... In the long run a single-planet species will not survive ... If we humans want to survive for hundreds of thousands or millions of years, we must ultimately populate other planets. Now, today the technology is such that this is barely conceivable. We're in the infancy of it. ... I'm talking about that one day, I don't know when that day is, but there will be more human beings who live off the Earth than on it. We may well have people living on the moon. We may have people living on the moons of Jupiter and other planets. We may have people making habitats on asteroids ... I know that humans will colonize the solar system and one day go beyond." –Michael D. Griffin. Let us start spreading the word and improving the chances for humanity now instead of later. For the record, even the worse ideas can fill in the missing gaps to the best ones.

thank you

Nova Stella


This is in the wrong forum, moved to Space Business and Technology.


Everyone is shouting about over population.

Ever looked at what happens when a country becomes modernized? Most countries, barring places with more extreme religions that hamper a womens right to her body (Islam or at least radical islam), have the population stablize and in some cases fall.

As more countries develope into more modern places this works out.

Also if you look at the way technology is going i wouldnt worry about resources. We can make 5 times more off the same patch of farm land as we used to. We can recycle and in HOPEFULLY a couple decades begin the harvesting of resources from space.

Basicaly the human race will learn to do more with less. This isnt just a ecological goal but a economical goal for any company.
Yes colonization should happen its only logical and probably the next step for humanity. And yes i can guarrante there will be war. So what. War was here before man and will be here after we breath our last. We like to fool ourselves by thinking its a human invention but its not look at the biological world around us its everywhere.

While i agree with your veiws in space i think your ignoring the simple facts of human nature. We will do what is best for us. China doesnt give a crap about the global good of humanity. It and others sell weapons constantly to other poor nations knowing and sometimes encouraging chaos. This has always happened.

Global unification probably wont happen in a very organized way even in a say alien invasion or Greater natural disaster. Many nations like saudi arabia nd such will simply go to chaos while there top 2% try to save themselves. Other nations will respond in different ways. But it will be a cluster ^&*%.

Forget one world governments. The UN? You mean the people who put Iran, and NK and such as the head of the womens rights issues?

You could have a world government. Its called an empire. It would be one of the most disfunctional brutal regimes immaginable.

Yes im a cynic. But im American we know what happens when you put your expectations on human logic.

We need to get off the planet but i think it will be threw human greed and collections of like minded governments and companies than some mythical HUMAN KIND bennefits.


I don't completely agree, claiming Agriculture is the one simple step from no technology to 21st century space age gadgets dose not sound so simple. Sounds like an arrogant statement for your very first sentence and introduction. There is lots of evidence showing that Agriculture helped a lot in the development of man, but how can one just assume that only one factor out of so many, and so many unknown allowed the success with man and in the making of neat tools?

There will never be world peace, that thought is for fools and the ignorant, as Valcan said, it is more than just satisfying our needs, war is in our biological make up. "That chimpanzees and humans kill members of neighboring groups of their own species is, we have seen, a startling exception to the normal rule for animals.” By: Richard Wrangham and Dale Peterson. Attacking other groups of people has been going on for a very long time, even a culture with enough food and space will still seek more even when resources are abundant. So even if humanity did have enough to go around for everyone to have plenty I dont think it would stop people from wanting more. Now if by some scenario of an alien invasion I am sure stronger factions of humanity if given the chance would ally themselves with them and help with the aliens deed of killing of the rest of humanity, just like when the Spanish came to the Americas and got other tribes to do there dirty work for them and attack known civilizations like the Incas and the Aztecs and exterminate them.

As for colonization again I am going to go ahead and use the new world as a prime example to illustrate that the natural course is best for space colonization vs the need to "speed things up" and global unification will only make enemies in the end. When man gets to the point were colonizing other worlds and resources in space becomes more piratical, it will start slow, just like most major frontiers of human history, when expeditions to the Americas was only a rumor, there were only but a few countries willing to spend the resources of something that was a high risk and might leave them empty handed. What happened though as soon as the old world caught a whiff of the Americas? There was a huge rush to colonize and take over other natural resources, countries were not the only ones trying to reach the new world, merchants were doing an excellent job privatizing trade back and forth, kind of like corporations now, slowly privatizing space. As soon as a practical method for extracting resources is discovered, by nearby celestial bodies we will have a "gold rush" so to speak with countries and organizations leaping to try and get there first and establish some kind of dominance over them. Again the main motivator in all of this is basic human traits, wanting more, greed, and the necessity to be the fittest. Now lets say we do expand and start colonizing other worlds, transport and communication at first will be presumably crude and young making it difficult to keep in contact, what happened to the Americas without close supervision and distance from there mother country? They rebelled and created there own independent countries. I predict the same happening on other worlds and before we know it, time enough would have past, technology improved to go back and forth easily from planet to planet but the hate of man does not change so fast and a war of the worlds would unfold for transgressions earlier in history of planets forming there own independence with out consent of earth. Granted this is just speculation but if one thing if anything that people have learned is that history repeats itself. This is why "global unification" as you say will never work, not under any scenario, people will always try to gain the upper hand on a personal level and organizational one for there own benefits this alone is one of the main reasons many ideals, governments and organizations fail. The best way is just let the same traits that wont let us unify, push us in time, into space.

Economical and politically space is not that big of a concern to the world, space was important when we had to get to the moon, only because it was in a couple of countries political interest to be seen as supreme power in all capabilities to the rest of the world and show in this case that capitalism works better than communism. Other than that, space so far is a drain of money, and as Ive written so much about already, it is something people hate to loose so there not gonna spend a lot of money if they cant get anything in return. You cannot get a political and economic shift for more influence and money into space projects without the masses wanting it. The only way I foresee this happening is when going into outer space becomes something an average every day consumer can do for a day trip or vacation instead of only the rich. When that happens, popularity and more necessity for space use will create a cultural change and a push by the people for more economic and political backing for space related technologies will ensue. Until then we are stuck with the few donations and one space corp. trying to compete with another.

As Valcan said, I think you are not accounting for the human factor.

-Aionios Gaia


Our biologic make-up is also peeing in trousers, and speaking for myself, i don't do it very often. Civilization is a possible answer to our biology urges. We do wars in much less bloody way these days - body bags are bad for publicity, and don't always achieve expected effect. In time we learned, and i hope that lessons will not be forgotten, how to resolve conflicts in a much cheaper way than by war.

World government actually doesn't really matter, if various entities, groups, societies, nations, are capable of working together on common goals, ideas, or interests. We can see how it works for good and bad, relative to majority of people.

We are already bond together in so many places through economy, travel, exchange of knowledge and ideas, and i can see this trend only progressing. I think it will lead to some sort of standards, norms, equalizing people, their moral and ethics, from all over the planet, but with different speeds. We already are a planet civilization, either you like it or not - no man is an island.

Just about 100 km away from all this brewing trouble begins everything we need to keep growing, and give chance to be different to all sorts of people, give a restart to evolution of human societies. We will very likely have a precise control over our, and other species evolution in not so distant future - first steps are already taken.


What are some of the things we as individuals can do to help improve the space programs? What are some of the biggest issues with manned space travel with in the solar system currently, and how can that be fixed? Is politics helping or making it harder? I bet there are many other little details that make an important difference too that need to be addressed.
Im new to this, so any answers to my current questions would help a great deal.



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Keep asking ;)


EarthlingX":15uzk6v3 said:
Our biologic make-up is also peeing in trousers, and speaking for myself, i don't do it very often. Civilization is a possible answer to our biology urges. We do wars in much less bloody way these days - body bags are bad for publicity, and don't always achieve expected effect. In time we learned, and i hope that lessons will not be forgotten, how to resolve conflicts in a much cheaper way than by war.

My problem earthling isnt that we can become better or havent shown that we are better its that like many things people champion like socialized healthcare (no this isnt a debate for that simply one example im giving) it only takes a few to screw it up for the whole.

I live in tennessee we used to have a public healthcare system that was universal. It worked then it just cost more, and more and more and more. What happened was simple human nature. Corruption, stupidity, and a simple sudden mass of humanity rushing to get whats free.
So we MASSIVELY revamped it and now it only takes care of a very few people.

My point is it only takes one or two countries or societies to mess the whole thing up. Greece, spain, italy, ireland anyone?

But its also human nature to want to live a fantasy. To believe that everything is getting better and that the horrors our forefathers and theres before them saw are a thing of the past and never will happen again.

Humans never change. We only hid the savage deeper but its always there.


About what you can do :

http://www.universetoday.com : Needed: Plutonium-238
June 9th, 2010

Written by Nancy Atkinson

Sometimes people ask what they, as a regular citizen can do to help NASA. Emily Lakdawalla at the Planetary Society Blog posted this today, and this is definitely something to write to members of Congress about. NASA is running out of plutonium-238, which is used to power deep space probes, but it's unclear whether Congress will provide the $30 million that has been requested for the Department of Energy to get start new production.

Cassini orbiting Saturn. Credit: NASA

Plutonium-238 has powered dozens of spacecraft, including the Voyager probes, the Galileo mission to Jupiter, and the Cassini spacecraft that is currently sending back such amazing images of Saturn's rings and moons. Because of spacecraft powered by plutonium-238, we know know — among other things — that there are volcanoes on Jupiter's moon Io and geysers on Saturn's moon Enceladus.


EarthlingX":1at3dvo4 said:
About what you can do :

http://www.universetoday.com : Needed: Plutonium-238
June 9th, 2010

Written by Nancy Atkinson

Sometimes people ask what they, as a regular citizen can do to help NASA. Emily Lakdawalla at the Planetary Society Blog posted this today, and this is definitely something to write to members of Congress about. NASA is running out of plutonium-238, which is used to power deep space probes, but it's unclear whether Congress will provide the $30 million that has been requested for the Department of Energy to get start new production.

Cassini orbiting Saturn. Credit: NASA

Plutonium-238 has powered dozens of spacecraft, including the Voyager probes, the Galileo mission to Jupiter, and the Cassini spacecraft that is currently sending back such amazing images of Saturn's rings and moons. Because of spacecraft powered by plutonium-238, we know know — among other things — that there are volcanoes on Jupiter's moon Io and geysers on Saturn's moon Enceladus.

Wait, dont we have tons of p238? I can remember them talking about how they dont want the government to get rid of it. Or do they need money to get the plutonium and store it?
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