WHEN DREAMERS BECOME DOERS-<br /><br /><br />Dreamers of the world…….lets unite with Luna’s light!<br />For when dreamers become doers and doers become leaders,<br />Then all will follow the voice of justice and truth<br />All will see how wonderful it can be….to feel totally free.<br /><br />When children grow to become lovers and lovers become friends….<br />Then this world we live in will never have an end.<br />When all see the light in all of it’s might,<br />The glow will surround her face and give us our place<br />When all can see the truth and feel the desire,<br />Then all will feel the joy that love can inspire…<br />It inspires our hearts, our souls and our mind,<br />It leads us to the Promised Land….<br />It leads us out of time (Far beyond the inner planets)<br /><br />When true love and happiness are sustained in all….<br />It is then that the inner voice of God will speak in the hall<br />When every nation turns and looks within to find the truth,<br />It is then that they will see the wisdom and the power of our youth.<br />The youth of the world are the future of the skies<br />They tell us so much, they will lead us to try.<br />So try to become like children in heart and in mind<br />Then this feeling of love will carry us through time.<br />It will carry us above the mountains, the rivers and the seas<br />It will show all who believe how wonderful life can be.<br /><br />Yes, this feeling of love turns us into a child<br />It tames our hearts that were once careless and wild.<br />So when dreamers become doers and doers become leaders….<br />And when children grow to become lovers….<br />And lovers become friends…<br />Then the feelings will be real and the broken hearts will heal<br />And when the hearts are healed and the light shines through,<br />She becomes he and he becomes you<br />For the feeling of love will become timeless and true.<br /><br />It will carry us through, beyond and above<br />It will take us to the heavens and to the moon…..<br />It will carry us to Love.<br></br>