Mauna Kea Hawaii, and the Chilean Andes (Gemini South is on Cerro Pachón).<br /><br />These are considered the prime observing locations of modern astronomy, and are home of the best (biggest, newest, etc) telescopes.<br /><br />The Kecks, Subaru, and Gemini North are at Mauna Kea, CTIO and Gemini South are in Chile. <br /><br />Kitt Peak in Arizona is another major site, though it is past it's prime due to encroaching light pollution. <br /><br />All three sites have a pretty large variety of scopes. Other sites tend to have a telescope or two, but these are the big three.<br /><br />If you ever get a chance, visit the Mauna Kea site, it is absolutely incredible. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p align="center"><font color="#c0c0c0"><br /></font></p><p align="center"><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">--------</font></em></font><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">--------</font></em></font><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">----</font></em></font><font color="#666699"> </font><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">-------------------</font></em></font></p><p><font color="#999999"><em><font size="1">"This is my Timey Wimey Detector. Goes "bing" when there's stuff. It also fries eggs at 30 paces, wether you want it to or not actually. I've learned to stay away from hens: It's not pretty when they blow" -- </font></em></font><font size="1" color="#999999">The Tenth Doctor, "Blink"</font></p> </div>