Which planet is colder, Uranus or Neptune?

Mar 8, 2021
Hey, guys. Do you all know whether is Uranus or Neptune colder? This is because I read an encyclopedia and it stated that Uranus is the coldest planet in the solar system because Neptune will produce its own heat. But when I searched it online, it stated that Neptune is the coldest planet in the solar system. In fact, Neptune is the coldest planet because it is the farthest planet from the sun in the solar system. So, which planet do you guys think is the coldest planet? Please answer my question below. Thank you. ☺ ☺


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Google gives:

"Uranus - minus 320°F (-195°C) Neptune - minus 331°F (-201°C) Pluto - minus 388°F (-233°C)30 Jan 2018 "

You have the dwarf planet Pluto as well for comparison.

You have the answer. It is not only distance from the Sun which affects temperature.

Cat :)
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Oct 23, 2019
The answer above is correct on average however...."Neptune only holds the title for the coldest average temperature, and it is the seventh planet from the Sun, Uranus, that has the record for the lowest temperature. This has been recorded at a very low -224 degrees Celsius" (-371 F)

Explanations for this vary anywhere from theorizing that Neptune's inner core is more active to Uranus is on its side to affects from other objects out past the solar system, etc. I find it intriguing that there could be something causing gravitational effects on Neptune that is causing it to not have the cold cold spots that are found on Uranus, but I honestly don't have any clue why it is. Either way they're both very cold.

It's a great question. Not a very straight answer though.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
lfr2: "Neptune only holds the title for the coldest average temperature, and it is the seventh planet from the Sun "
SS planets: Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune.
I make Uranus 7th and Neptune 8th.

As you say: "Uranus, that has the record for the lowest temperature"
I assume this is in the context of Uranus being coldest, but Neptune furthest.

Cat :)
Jul 4, 2021
Hey, guys. Do you all know whether is Uranus or Neptune colder? This is because I read an encyclopedia and it stated that Uranus is the coldest planet in the solar system because Neptune will produce its own heat. But when I searched it online, it stated that Neptune is the coldest planet in the solar system. In fact, Neptune is the coldest planet because it is the farthest planet from the sun in the solar system. So, which planet do you guys think is the coldest planet? Please answer my question below. Thank you. ☺ ☺
Obviously Uranus. Since. The axial rotation on Uranus is basically 90° off center from the ecliptic. Scientists speculate that an object similar in mass to the earth collided with Uranus in such a way as to knock it off of its axis. Some speculate that since Neptune successfully captured a Kuiper belt object, (triton), then perhaps Uranus had a similar encounter, with a different outcome.


"Science begets knowledge, opinion ignorance.
Patrick, as you correctly say, Uranus has very long winters (21 years per season), so we are back to your other point, which is residual/internal generation heat.

Cat :)

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