I'm not the only one thinking about what I wrote in the above post . . . though not in exactly the same way:
From 'Popular Mechanics' via MSN (couldn't find this otherwise):
"The Universe May be a Hologram, Meaning Our Reality Could Be an Illusion," by Paul Sutter:
Are we an illusion because we are home to other cellular life making each one of us up physically? We are a pyramidical life product and at the time a realized separate entity of life (our minds over our matter) than just our physical composition. There is distance in separation between.
We found out atoms weren't the distantly bottom base particles, that they are comprised of deeper more distant particles and particle groups . . . and those particles comprised of even deeper, even more distant, groups of particles (to put another way, "spooky actions at a distance"). Are atoms, because they are a specific base dimensionality yet at once not basic (a Schrodinger "is" and "is not" realization all at once), an illusion?
With distance in increasing distances between levels, layers, spaces and times, thus, physics, comes breakdowns of relativity into "entropy, disorder, chaos,
always realized at a growing distance as "spooky actions at a distance!" The increasing changes
always acquiring,
always piling up more and more. in the ever-farther reaches, ever-increasing, distances, from the local-relative
observed "observable universe." All of them, in their infinities, radially 0-point centered sphere-type observable. All of them being points (quantum entangled as their own 0-point centers of spheres) on the 'Flatland' flat-horizon surfaces of horizon observable universe spheres. Horizon to horizon, center-point to center-point, sphere to sphere, universe to universe. Relativity's breakdown to buildup, breakdown to buildup, breakdown to buildup....
Our "observable universe" in light's coordinate point SPACETIME of macrocosmic and microcosmic histories past and future is the universe that is and isn't a "hologram": That is and isn't a "reality"; that is and isn't an "illusion"!
Whew! I really got into light's coordinate point SPACETIME histories past and future light cones : "instantaneous spontaneous concurrent REALTIME" : and "emergent SPACE" (open system and opening systemic accelerating expanse) (hyperspace) (self-similar dual-level fractal zooms universe structure, center / fundamental set and reset") (warp space) (wormholes) (stargates and galactic gates . . . observable local-relative universe gates) ("Through the Looking Glass') (....).