Just take a look around you to practically every consumer industry. In each one you find a simple truth whether it be computers, cars, airplanes, and etc. That truth is that as a product is produced in greater number the price per unit goes down. The reason for this is simple. As the unit number goes up better more advanced manufacturing technology is used to produce individual units more inexpensively.
For decades now it has been a forgone conclusion that in order to accomplish our goals in space we need to lower launch costs. The goal of lower launch costs is one that all sectors of the space industry share including the military and commercial. The way to do accomplish this is same way we do it in every industry. Through volume.
Unfortunately NASA and it's strategy for human spaceflight has failed to decrease launch costs at all. In fact NASA per kg launch costs are considerably higher than commercial rockets. NASA's method of conducting human space flight has been and largely continues to be to construct enormously large and expensive launch systems. Simply put these launch systems are a waste of time and money. For one they are useless to every other sector. No one except for NASA has any need for rockets that are able to lift over 30000 kg. On top of that such systems are incredibly expensive to develop and maintain.
Point is NASA needs to start using multiple launches on smaller rockets rather than using only one or two launches on a large rocket. It is only once the number of launches becomes sufficiently high that prices for ELV will come down and reusable launch vehicles will become economically efficient.
For decades now it has been a forgone conclusion that in order to accomplish our goals in space we need to lower launch costs. The goal of lower launch costs is one that all sectors of the space industry share including the military and commercial. The way to do accomplish this is same way we do it in every industry. Through volume.
Unfortunately NASA and it's strategy for human spaceflight has failed to decrease launch costs at all. In fact NASA per kg launch costs are considerably higher than commercial rockets. NASA's method of conducting human space flight has been and largely continues to be to construct enormously large and expensive launch systems. Simply put these launch systems are a waste of time and money. For one they are useless to every other sector. No one except for NASA has any need for rockets that are able to lift over 30000 kg. On top of that such systems are incredibly expensive to develop and maintain.
Point is NASA needs to start using multiple launches on smaller rockets rather than using only one or two launches on a large rocket. It is only once the number of launches becomes sufficiently high that prices for ELV will come down and reusable launch vehicles will become economically efficient.