If you preferentially get your information about climate change from leading science institutions rather than filtered through media you will find fewer baseless claims and better coverage of the numerous well based claims. We observe - a strong trend of surface temperature warming, ocean heat content rise, ice sheet loss... every indicator that could and should shows clear evidence of global warming. If tropical storms are showing indications of change - of being more likely to rebuild in strength and persist longer, that is worth investigation.
"No link, no funding" is, in my view, a baseless claim - and deeply insulting to all the scientists who work professionally, in good faith. It is because global warming is shown to be true that widening the scope of science based investigations into what that will mean is legitimate and worthwhile focus of ongoing research. Withdrawing support and funding in the face of such overwhelming evidence that we have a problem looks like an attempt to make it "no funding = no science supporting a link".