Do We Live in a Simulation?

Do we live in a simulation, a virtual reality, as physicist Dr. Melvin Vopson suggests and has been relayed all across the internet? If so, we live in a discreet quanta type of closed system within an infinitely open system. Fractal (fractal zoom structure universe). Eingenvector. Square matrix. Sub-microcosm. Sub-macrocosm. Microcosm. Macrocosm. super-microcosm. Super-macrocosm, to infinities (infinitesimal and infinite, local finite relatively speaking)! Total energy (positive (+) / negative (=)) equals infinite '0' . . . or simply '0'. Total mass (+m to '0' / -m to '0') equals infinite '0' . . . or simply '0'. Indefinite (in-de-finite). Schrodinger's . . . and Bill's 'it is' and 'it isn't'.

'c' = +300,000kps |0| -300,000kps (where '0' is infinitely variable).

Endless beginning. Endless frontier.

There is an absolute limit of heat and a cold within that heat.
There is an absolute limit of cold and a heat within that cold.
There is always a trojan third element of free float equilibrium between the extremes.

Nothing rules this simulation, this virtual reality, but an infinite MULTIVERSE Universe within a ponderous Planck Big Bang Black (White) Hole (always closing up to a collapsed cosmological constant (t=0)) Horizon of all of an infinity of horizon universes.

Complexity and Chaos: "There are few rules, few laws, to nature, but then they are all the more absolute for being few."

"God doesn't play dice with the universe!" -- Albert Einstein.
"Yes, God does play dice with the universe, but they're loaded!" -- Stephen Hawking,
Velocity, being a vector, can have a negative value. It's just flying off in the opposite direction.
Speed is a scalar quantity. It cannot be negative. There is nothing slower than being stopped.
Can't have negative time. If we did, heat would travel from cold to hot. Warm areas would become hotter, cold areas colder. It would quickly end as a Big Crunch. Not stable.
Maybe that's what happened before the Big Bang. Negative time culminated in a Big Crunch which then caused a Big Bang. Yes, that is probably what happened. Send Nobel Prize to "Bill, USA".
Speed = distance/time

explain negative speed.

explain negative time elapsed or a negative distance traveled.
Some would call it traveling faster than the speed of light! But how much faster could one travel than the speed of light?!?!? AND THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS "STOP!" REGARDING THE UNIVERSE AT LARGE! We are still traveling when we sit still or stand still on good ship Earth traveling through an expansive / contractive universe at large, with the microcosm also still moving around and through us, even spaces and times colliding within our innards!

As to negative time:

t=0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, time, including "coordinate spacetime," going away and apparently slowing down toward light time history and the most distant horizon of time, including "coordinate spacetime". Light being the slowest speed -- the most negative (-) of speeds -- there is in the universe , , , everything in the universe traveling faster than it (advancing in space and time over it) || -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, =3, -2, -1, t=0 . . . Hey, what do you know, [coming-on (oncoming)] it -- subjective relativity, caught up! managed to catch up to right here and right now (every 0-point-center of an infinity of 0-point-centers of the universe)! in catching up to objective reality oncoming, finally, the fastest speed -- the most positive (+) of speeds! "Spooky action at a distance" especially ever-increasing distance, becoming less and less spooky toward closing triangulations (toward an infinity of subjective relativity and objective reality meetings).

And, once more, there is no such thing as "stopped" except relatively speaking.
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There is no preferred location in the universe. Every location views the universe as being infinite in every direction. There is, however, a preferred velocity. This is determined by measuring how fast we are moving relative to CMBR. The anisotropy has us going 627 ± 22 km/s in the direction of galactic longitude ℓ = 276° ± 3°, b = 30° ± 3°. The same velocty with a negative sign in front of it would produce an object standing still relative to the universe.
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There is no preferred location in the universe. Every location views the universe as being infinite in every direction. There is, however, a preferred velocity. This is determined by measuring how fast we are moving relative to CMBR. The anisotropy has us going 627 ± 22 km/s in the direction of galactic longitude ℓ = 276° ± 3°, b = 30° ± 3°. The same velocty with a negative sign in front of it would produce an object standing still relative to the universe.
Nice stats but no relevance that I can see to the positive and negative curvatures and Flatland or the fundamental binary base2 as such (infinite (indefinite) '0' (null unity) | finite (+/-) '1' (unity). Also, Bill, no relevance to fact that we can't possibly observe SPACE. No relevance to the very relevant simultaneous existence of equal but opposing past and future light cones. It, the CMBR, is an object reality, sure, but where or what is its subject relativity to the endless beginning endless frontier 'Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass' virtual reality? To the opposed Schrodinger-like 'is' and 'isn't' argument of Dr. Samuel Johnson and Bishop George Berkeley (circa 1763CE) which has existed probably since before any recorded history anywhere and will exist all the way into an eternity going both ways (-/+).

As historian Will Durant said, history is always repeating (always going back to the future (going backward -- the Horizon of all horizons -- to go forward -- the Horizon of all horizons)) in its (isotropic) large aspect though rarely -- if ever -- in its (anisotropic) small detail.
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There is bedrock physics dimensionality. Then there is the build, the expanse, out from it, the unlimited dimensionality of simulation, holography, animation. The universe bindingly holds -- the universes bindingly hold -- to the dimensional bedrock throughout the unlimited expanse out from it of simulation, holography, animation.

Multi-dimensionality is unlimited, complexities of simulations extending to infinity broad and deep . . . and always in play. Find the set of base bedrock physicality that is NOT just bedrock-like simulation that can potentially be played like a computer game or a window of universe . . . universes that can -- in some physicality -- be formed and reformed (creatively changed to suit).
Isn't the idea that 'reality' is infinitely/absolutely granular?
That there is no 'end' of its foundational basis?
You'll never find hidden puppet strings or some hollowed out void(s)?
An existential subroutine crafting things and their interactions into being.

It also has the idea of triviality or seriousness built into it.

Are my actions ones that will carry substance/influence/ramifications forever?

What actually matters?

Philosophically i think we are our own frames of reference, individually and/or collectively.
Things are what they 'are' to you and perhaps they 'are' something (possibly different) to some (individual?) others.
i personally have reservations about societal 'shared' values/sentiments/'meaning'/'weight'.
That borders on wishful thinking.
The myth of shared 'values'/sentiments.
Collective emotions for us all to jump on board with.
Got to be careful about that.

Is somebody else's 'serious' my 'serious'?

(personally) generally not that often.

I live on a tangent of one.
Isn't the idea that 'reality' is infinitely/absolutely granular?
That there is no 'end' of its foundational basis?
You'll never find hidden puppet strings or some hollowed out void(s)?
An existential subroutine crafting things and their interactions into being.

It also has the idea of triviality or seriousness built into it.

Are my actions ones that will carry substance/influence/ramifications forever?

What actually matters?

Philosophically i think we are our own frames of reference, individually and/or collectively.
Things are what they 'are' to you and perhaps they 'are' something (possibly different) to some (individual?) others.
i personally have reservations about societal 'shared' values/sentiments/'meaning'/'weight'.
That borders on wishful thinking.
The myth of shared 'values'/sentiments.
Collective emotions for us all to jump on board with.
Got to be careful about that.

Is somebody else's 'serious' my 'serious'?

(personally) generally not that often.

I live on a tangent of one.
You've got the wrong slant on things. Think about the universe, its physics, its natural laws, having a life, or a fundamental life force, all its own. Thus, life is a fundamental physic, the most infinitely complex fundamental (subset) physic, of an Infinite (and immortal) MULTIVERSE Universe (the set).

Do we (life) live in a simulation? Do we (life) live in the higher dimensions? Are we (life) in fact those higher, far more complex, far more animated, dimensions? But there is a bedrock base that has a life, an infinity and immortality to it, all its own, and we (life) aren't it. The immovable object of the irresistible force (the irresistible force of the immovable object).

I read a story once about a genie giving someone three wishes and the last wish was for an immortal life. So, the genie turned them stone immortal. The moral of the story, as always, be careful what you wish for.
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What is your actual experience of the 'Universe'?
What can you say that doesn't rely on extrapolations and a great deal of hearsay?
It may 'fundamental' in your mind and psychology,
but since no one can be everywhere all the time for all time thus far the 'totality' exists only in your beliefs/imagination.
An object seemingly traveling from point A to point B might not have absolute continuousness.
We watch 'moving' images that are actually numerous discontinuous still shots.

'Knowledge', 'certainty' and 'fundamental' are beliefs of our psychologically needful minds.
Beliefs not facts, which are also a function of belief.

The possible actual truth is diffuse, infinitely dimensional, ephemeral, transitory, dissatisfactory, powerless and not the absolute, satisfying, conclusive, powerful thing our psychologies want and possibly need to believe in.
Partial truths can be very deceptive, misleading.

If something is 'real' to me that will simply have to suffice,
but my intellect comprehends the uncertainty qualifiers therein.
What is your actual experience of the 'Universe'?
What can you say that doesn't rely on extrapolations and a great deal of hearsay?
It may 'fundamental' in your mind and psychology,
but since no one can be everywhere all the time for all time thus far the 'totality' exists only in your beliefs/imagination.
An object seemingly traveling from point A to point B might not have absolute continuousness.
We watch 'moving' images that are actually numerous discontinuous still shots.

'Knowledge', 'certainty' and 'fundamental' are beliefs of our psychologically needful minds.
Beliefs not facts, which are also a function of belief.

The possible actual truth is diffuse, infinitely dimensional, ephemeral, transitory, dissatisfactory, powerless and not the absolute, satisfying, conclusive, powerful thing our psychologies want and possibly need to believe in.
Partial truths can be very deceptive, misleading.

If something is 'real' to me that will simply have to suffice,
but my intellect comprehends the uncertainty qualifiers therein.
You don't read me, so you obviously didn't know I deal in "single-sided (backless) front 2-dimensional frames of light," macrocosmically, and nothing like a continuous bar / beam of light. Microcosmically, I deal in infinities of many-sided, many pathed, cris-crossing crossroad points (local-discreet quantum adaptations of Stephen Hawking's "Grand Central Station of universe") of always omni-directional thru-point passing light-speed information. Even the darkest, seemingly most lightless, voids of the universe are such cris-crossing crossroad points of always thru-point passing -- omni-directionally -- light-speed information (always single-sided (backless) front). Over -- or out of -- the bedrock fundamental base, a multi-dimensional informational "hologram" (holographical) universe.

"Communication across the revolutionary divide is inevitably partial." -- Thomas S. Kuhn
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Quantum mechanics, quantum physics, quantum weirdness, the microcosm, or alternatively the micro-verse, paralleling the macrocosm, the macro-verse, means the universe is a multiverse universe.

Many people say because we haven't observed them, there cannot possibly be an indefinite infinity of universes. I'm one of those that say because of the existence of "discreet quanta" there can't possibly be just one verse . . . and that infinities of universes means things can get very weird.

The weirdest weirdness being paralleling decision points leading to infinities of branching universe filamentation. The concept of many roads, many paths, many worlds, many universes, many lives, many deaths, to each and every road, path, world, universe, life, and death. Many probable -- many possible -- causes and effects to each and every cause and effect. Infinitely many multiverse probabilities. Infinitely many multiverse possibilities. Infinitely many multiverse realities. An infinite zeroing in simulation (hologram holography) and animations of what must otherwise be an infinitely dense massing and infinite energy.

With an infinity of horizon universes, all of the infinity of exact duplicate universes, including the infinity of exact duplicates of you, would be one and the same universe, including the one and the same you, simply mirrored to infinity. And all possible universes, including all possible life and death paths branching -- to infinity -- you take, in all wheels or curvatures of SPACETIME that would qualify as branch and branching universes would have their infinities of duplications, too, be one and the same universe simply mirroring to infinity. The game of life in and as the seventh force, the life force, playing out to eternity to the fullest probabilities and possibilities, omni periodic.

Enjoy your immortality though you won't remember any of it because remembrance goes away in wheels of time turning (verses) except the occasional Deja Vu, often repeating in the infinity of mind.
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Jan 2, 2024
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The original question: Do we live in a simulation?
Simulation means Fake or Pretend. So no we don't.
However, are we a software program or similar? Yes of course we are in a sense. How the program is written is another question.