Recent content by binbots

  1. B

    A Theory I have never come across

    Huh. It seems my question from a couple years back is now being taking seriously.... View:
  2. B

    The direction of entropy

    If our universe reverses course and started to collapse would time run in reverse and therefore so would entropy?
  3. B

    The direction of entropy

    Thanks for that last paragraph. Very informative. Surprised that isn’t more talked about to the general public. Can you explain a bit more about the negative potential energy? So our expanding universe is going from hot to cold. So then a contracting universe it would go from cold to hot...
  4. B

    The direction of entropy

    But isn’t the increase in entropy in our universe linked to the expansion of our universe? At the beginning of the universe there was more energy in a smaller amount of space and therefore had lower entropy. If the universe continues on its current course we will get to the big freeze which...
  5. B

    The direction of entropy

    Would the direction of entropy run in reverse in a contracting universe? To me it seems that the whole reason entropy is increasing is because our universe is expanding. The reason for this is because particles have more places to go than previously. In a contracting universe the opposite...
  6. B

    The difference between the past and the future

    Wave function collapse does not take place in empty space because of minimal or no particle interactions. Therefore particles smear out like waves more and more in empty space. Which we perceive as dark energy. Wave function collapse happens in places where matter is present. I believe these...
  7. B

    The difference between the past and the future

    Huh. Not many responses. I guess that means I am %100 correct. Thanks everyone :p
  8. B

    The difference between the past and the future

    The arrow of time points forward in time because of the wave function collapse. Because causality has a speed limit every point in space sees itself as the closest to the present moment. When we look out into the universe, we see the past which is made of particles. When we try to look at...
  9. B

    Dark Energy and Gravity

    Let’s look at this idea another way. We can view our universe like a sponge. Which is fitting because on the largest of scales the matter in our universe looks like a sponge. Dark matter can be seen as the sponge soaking up water. This causes the sponge (universe) to expand while the matter...
  10. B

    Is our universe infinite?

    Is it not obvious that the universe is infinite when you look at the alternative? Either we are one infinite universe of infinite size. Or we are just one of an infinite amount of universes which would make our universes a size zero. We exist and our universe has size therefore it must be the...
  11. B

    General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

    It seems my idea has been thought of my Lee Smolin in a paper from this year. Check out this video at around the 8 min mark. View:
  12. B

    General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

    Thank you for that :)
  13. B

    General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

    Well maybe he shouldn't have ignored the present because it is the present that seperates and collapses the probablistic future into the particle past which we observe.
  14. B

    General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

    I wish I knew how to explain this all better because once you see it you can't unsee it. I guess if I knew how to do the math it would make things a lot easier.
  15. B

    General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics

    Lets look at this idea using the many worlds interpretation of QM. It says that the universe keeps splitting as time progresses. Which is caused by the wave function. But we don’t live in a universe full of many worlds and waves. We live in one world full of particles. We live in the...