The difference between the past and the future

Apr 28, 2021
The arrow of time points forward in time because of the wave function collapse. Because causality has a speed limit every point in space sees itself as the closest to the present moment. When we look out into the universe, we see the past which is made of particles. When we try to look at smaller and smaller sizes and distances, we are actually looking closer and closer to the present moment. The wave property of particles appears when we start looking into the future of that particle. It is a probability wave because the future is probabilistic. Wave function collapse happens when we bring a particle into the present/past.
Time isn’t a straight line. Time emerges and expands from every point in the universe. Because space time is expanding the future is probabilistic. The reason is with an expanding future a particle has more places it can go than it did previously. We can see this effect when we look at very small distances and how it makes unobserved particles behave. It isn’t the particle that has wave like properties. The space time fabric does.
Maybe it would help to visualize time as a 3D expanding field of probabilities. But we could never see this field because we can only observe the past. We can only see it’s affects on unobserved particles.
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You speak in non standard terminology. "Wave funtion collapse" and "field of probabilites" are both undefined. We are speaking two different languages. Define your terms and maybe we will be able to have a discussion.
Thank you for the references.
I understand that "wave function collapse" is a standard term but it appeared to me he is using as if it could exist out in empty space independent of some particle. As I understand it, he must refer to the wave function collapse of some particle. He didn't say what that particle was. The term, it seems to me, is meaningless without something to refer to.
"Field of probabilities" is not standard. The standard term is "Probability field".
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Apr 28, 2021
Wave function collapse does not take place in empty space because of minimal or no particle interactions. Therefore particles smear out like waves more and more in empty space. Which we perceive as dark energy. Wave function collapse happens in places where matter is present. I believe these collapses actually contract the space time fabric which causes gravity.

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