Recent content by North

  1. North

    SpaceX calls off Starship Flight 8 launch test due to rocket issues (video)

    yes it has been it is scheduled to launch today at 12:30 here is were you can watch it View:
  2. North

    Total lunar eclipse is just one week away: When and where to see the Blood Moon

    here is a map of the eclipse
  3. North

    Question Asteroid impacts?

    what company would want to do that and is that even possible to do in the next 7 years and were would a company get the money todo that
  4. North

    Question Asteroid impacts?

    why would they be if it still had as high chance then it might hit earth then if it did everbody would just get mad for not being told that it would not hit earth also saw that it is down to a 1-in-20,000 chance of hitting earth
  5. North

    Question Asteroid impacts?

    yes I just saw that the chance of it hitting Earth is now 1 in 360 or 0.3 %
  6. North

    Private FLIP moon rover replaces NASA's cancelled VIPER on 2025 lunar south pole mission

    why did NASA replace the viper moon rover with flip when viper was already built and succeeding in tests and will it be going to the same spots and studying the same stuff as viper was going to? what are the difference between filp and viper and will it carry very different instruments?
  7. North

    Question Asteroid impacts?

    thank you for this very helpful what are the current possible impact loctions for Bennu
  8. North

    Question Asteroid impacts?

    If asteroid 2024 YR4 hits Earth will there be any survivors? and what is the most likely location for it to hit? If asteroid 101955 Bennu dose hit earth were will it hit? and will any life survive?
  9. North

    View of Mars

    How detailed a view well I get of Mars with 130mm reflector telescope
  10. North

    viper moon rover

    thank you for this information it is very helpful
  11. North

    starship fire

    Thanks. Do you know if the booster will be able to reused?
  12. North

    starship fire

    Does anyone know why the second stage of starship flight test 7 caught on fire? also 10 and 25 mintues after the booster landed it caught on fire does any one know why? apparently the second stage burned up over turks and caicos is this ture?
  13. North

    viper moon rover

    how likely is it that he get to be administrator also is he differently going to sell assets and missions. Is the dragon mission to repair Hubble even worth it I thought Hubble was just going to die soon.