Recent content by PedroXY

  1. P

    Alcubierre Drive: Impossible? No! It is the Universally Routine. It is the Law!

    It is permitted by GR, however, we have no dilithium crystals to support this idea.
  2. P


    It is currently conceivable to speculate a reality by which the universe can be turned over in various ways and be seen in the same way as it occurs with sound, regardless of how it reaches our auditory canal, it will be reproduced in the same way we do not invert a sound wave to hear it...
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    Whether association, switching or distribution are simple mathematical concepts that may be making an implicit rule in the entire universe. A pattern intuitively seems to exist throughout the cosmos, however, it may just be an illusion falsely ignoring it and moving forward you can find...
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    Do you propose a form of cyclic universe? why don't we have enough matter for this, even with the dark matter and dark energy tapes.
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    It is associated with the similarity between the micro and the macro, the atomic model of rutheford is based on the orbits of the planets around the hyperstar (sun) obviously due to the gravitational attraction and the recent ideas of einstein, regarding a monotonous atom attraction between...
  6. P

    A little paradox

    how you interpret (Space in relation to All(Infinity) or Nothing(0)) and (Time in relation to past, present and future), Me: Illusion.
  7. P

    Technological progress

    With the constant advancement of IoT in smart homes and even smart cities, including other technologies like robots using machine learning, we can take further steps to harness the full power of the planet. In this way, we could finally reach stage 1 of the Kardashev scale. Thinking even further...
  8. P

    kardashev scale, and dyson sphere

    "In the near future, we may consider building manned space stations, specially designed to be operated by robots, with a small human team to oversee operations. These robots would be able to perform a variety of space tasks, harnessing solar energy as a source primary. The conversion of solar...
  9. P

    Artificial intelligence could help hunt for life on Mars and other alien worlds

    if evidence were found in relation to this serious of such magnitude to prove that the universe is populated by thousands or even billions of life in a unicellular state like microorganisms in space rocks like asteroids and walking comets.
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    kardashev scale, and dyson sphere

    Structurally, it starts with a long ring orbiting the star, absorbing a substantial part of its internal radiation and producing energy in other ways. As for what to use to build this giant structure, it would satisfy the greatest work of engineering, the methodology and how it was done with...
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    Artificial intelligence could help hunt for life on Mars and other alien worlds

    it might even be relevant to a discovery about panspermia that would signify the origin of life that now inhabits Earth. "Considering the state of Mars in the early solar system"
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    kardashev scale, and dyson sphere

    what technologies could we use to build a dison sphere. guesses.
  13. P

    Reality vs Consciousness

    A princípio, um dos debates mais conhecidos que abordam esse tema é o Mito da caverna de Platão sendo dois mundos Sensível (Empírico) x Inteligível (Consciência), e logo depois refutado por seu discípulo com o Realismo Aristotélico. Se eu entendo porque não podemos fazer uma réplica da...