‘Missing link’ black hole found? Not so fast, new study says

Nov 14, 2019
While our universe is too big to discount the possibility of an intermediate sized black hole forming somewhere, it will be just a curiosity.

It is time to discard the theory that the formation of super-massive, much less ultra-massive, black holes have anything to do with stellar or intermediate mass black holes. Given how early in the universe's 'life' they have been detected, a different theory needs to be developed or the nature of black holes needs to be reexamined.
It is time to discard the theory that the formation of super-massive, much less ultra-massive, black holes have anything to do with stellar or intermediate mass black holes. Given how early in the universe's 'life' they have been detected, a different theory needs to be developed or the nature of black holes needs to be reexamined.
There is no hard criteria for abandonment, which is why the question remains open.

The kind of cluster formation found here is a much more likely pathway to supermassive black holes than other pathways:
Other heavy seed formation channels include collisions of stars in young star clusters and hierarchical BH mergers within a star cluster. Such dynamical pathways to heavy seeds can generate a spectrum of seed masses. In the second halo model considered in this paper, the authors find seed BHs up to 10,000 solar masses, generated through such dynamical channels. The formation of these seeds is 100,000 times more likely than heavy seeds produced via direct collapse and are therefore more likely to explain the overall MBH population.
Mar 5, 2021
While our universe is too big to discount the possibility of an intermediate sized black hole forming somewhere, it will be just a curiosity.

It is time to discard the theory that the formation of super-massive, much less ultra-massive, black holes have anything to do with stellar or intermediate mass black holes. Given how early in the universe's 'life' they have been detected, a different theory needs to be developed or the nature of black holes needs to be reexamined.
Mar 5, 2021
Although possibly they will find that Intermediate BH's can't survive well in position. And will fall to the galactic center rather quickly, a good reason they find so few. (or none) Also, it might lead to new science, especially if the Intermediate BH is going from the outside-in past Earth.

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