20 sci-fi movies and TV shows to binge watch on Netflix right now

Mar 19, 2020
I am already watching the "Twilight Zone" - tons more to go. Of all the "movies" mentioned above, I have not even heard of half of them, but will have to Wiki them and see if I want to watch them. Some of these picks are questionable.

But the one I want to remark on most is "Star Trek: Enterprise". This was grossly under-rated as the review states. I found this to be better than Deep Space Nine in many cases, and on par with the others in many episodes. You can really relate to so much of this series, and Captain Jonathan Archer is a match for Kirk and Picard in terms of tenacity and heroic performances. Star Trek: Enterprise is a must see. (It will also give you a different impression of those sneaky Vulcans!)
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Mar 30, 2020
I am already watching the "Twilight Zone" - tons more to go. Of all the "movies" mentioned above, I have not even heard of half of them, but will have to Wiki them and see if I want to watch them. Some of these picks are questionable.

But the one I want to remark on most is "Star Trek: Enterprise". This was grossly under-rated as the review states. I found this to be better than Deep Space Nine in many cases, and on par with the others in many episodes. You can really relate to so much of this series, and Captain Jonathan Archer is a match for Kirk and Picard in terms of tenacity and heroic performances. Star Trek: Enterprise is a must see. (It will also give you a different impression of those sneaky Vulcans!)
Enterprise was a great show. The last few shows were throw aways. They must've known they'd been cancelled.
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Mar 31, 2020
Nope, Scott Snowden you're way off. I felt compelled enough to create an account to comment on this article. These movies/shows listed are completely hot garbage. Do NOT waste your time on them:
John Carter
Star Trek Voyager
Start Trek Enterprise
Lost in Space (though not as bad as the Star Treks above)
Mar 31, 2020
Enjoyed your selection. There are a few on your list I have not seen yet, and will try to see. Some of the greatest sci-fi is not on netflix, these are the movies I am currently binge watching. 1 The original Planet of the Apes movies.
2. Silent Running
3. Soylent Green
4. THX 1138
5. Dr. Who and the Daleks
These are some of the true classics. Enjoy.
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Apr 2, 2020
Hellboy doesn't appear to be available on Netflix US right now, though someone was just telling me recently that I should watch it.

I came to Star Trek late, and have been working my way through the different series over the last few years (taking some shortcuts thanks to binge-watching guides). I'm on Voyager now and am enjoying it--not as much as DS9 or TNG, but I think it's better than I expected it to be. Each series seems to follow a similar arc: promising first episode, rocky first season or two, then by S3-S4 it's pretty consistent and interesting. I wonder if Voyager's evaluation was hurt by the fact that DS9 was hitting its groove when Voyager was still rocky, then when Voyager was hitting its groove, DS9 was stellar.
Mar 31, 2020
Reading sci-fi never gets old, either. Highly recommend some of the classics. Some of these novels and their message or warning have actually come true, in reality. Take H.G. Wells classic The Invisible Man, recently redone as a movie. It tells the story of a good natured man who when invisible becomes the darker side of himself. Today, the reality can be seen on the internet, as trolling, by so many.
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Dec 11, 2019
Reading sci-fi never gets old, either. Highly recommend some of the classics. Some of these novels and their message or warning have actually come true, in reality. Take H.G. Wells classic The Invisible Man, recently redone as a movie. It tells the story of a good natured man who when invisible becomes the darker side of himself. Today, the reality can be seen on the internet, as trolling, by so many.
What about the book 1984? Most of that has come true with government surveillance among many other things in that book.
May 29, 2020
Enjoyed your selection. There are a few on your list I have not seen yet, and will try to see. Some of the greatest sci-fi is not on netflix, these are the movies I am currently binge watching. 1 The original Planet of the Apes movies.
2. Silent Running
3. Soylent Green
4. THX 1138
5. Dr. Who and the Daleks
These are some of the true classics. Enjoy.
You definitely picked some of the really good classic Sci-fi movies, Dave. I hope to watch them soon.
May 29, 2020
From the time children get hooked on Nintendo, they, and their parents, should watch and discuss ST-TNG Season 5, Episode 6, "The Game".
May 31, 2020
Time to catch up on some long overdue sci-fi, so here's our handy RazvkEyrmbkEH32z3TN6oje to what's on

20 sci-fi movies and TV shows to binge watch on Netflix right now : Read more
Couple other entries, although I’m way behind here.
Just some random entries.
Gattaca is an absolute work of art, great acting, good minimalist action, more dystopian than straight sci-fi.
Dark Star, a largely forgotten though entertaining John Carpenter film, low budget, low special effects.


Why are at least 2 of your postings not available on Netflix John Carter and Hellboy 2
(2004). June 11, 2020


Apr 1, 2020
Why are at least 2 of your postings not available on Netflix John Carter and Hellboy 2
(2004). June 11, 2020

Probably because the article was written at the end of March; over two months ago. It's likely that those programs have been removed from Netflix's lineup since then.

-Wolf sends
Jul 10, 2020
Nope, Scott Snowden you're way off. I felt compelled enough to create an account to comment on this article. These movies/shows listed are completely hot garbage. Do NOT waste your time on them:
John Carter
Star Trek Voyager
Start Trek Enterprise
Lost in Space (though not as bad as the Star Treks above)

Disagree with pretty much everything you said.
John Carter was a great movie. Too bad it didn't do better at the box office.
Voyager was never my favourite, but recently I decided to watch it again, and man it has some awesome episodes. At least as good as any other Star Trek series. Enterprise also wasn't my favourite, but the more I watch it the more it grows on me. I would rather watch either of them over the crap they're producing now, like Discovery and especially Picard.

Lost In Space was a lot better than I thought it would be. I watched both seasons and will watch the third if it ever comes out.
Jul 10, 2020
I don't understand why so many people like the "everyone's a Cylon" BSG remake. They regendered the best character, made everyone a cylon, took the robots almost completely out (this is like making Terminator without any Terminators), and pretty much made the entire series into a drama over a scifi.

Only watched a few episodes here and there. I watched the final episode, which was terrible.

I'd rather watch the original, campy or not.
Jul 10, 2020
Enjoyed your selection. There are a few on your list I have not seen yet, and will try to see. Some of the greatest sci-fi is not on netflix, these are the movies I am currently binge watching. 1 The original Planet of the Apes movies.
2. Silent Running
3. Soylent Green
4. THX 1138
5. Dr. Who and the Daleks
These are some of the true classics. Enjoy.

The original Planet of the Apes movies were amazing, especially considering when they were made. There was a series as well, but I haven't seen it around for decades.
Silent Running, with Bruce Dern, is a simply heart rending, amazing movie with an incredible performance by Dern. One of my top 50 movies for sure. Soylent Green is a classic, and created a mem without the internet much the way Close Encounters did with "ET Phone home".
As for Dr Who, other than the most recent series you really can't go wrong. Unfortunately they have completely ruined the series now with a major attack on men in the writing, and a classic destruction of a much beloved show to forward someone's personal political agenda.
I was a huge fan for over 45 years, but I haven't watched it or purchased any merchandise since they completely ruined it.
Sep 3, 2022
Man, life is too short to watch most of the suggested movies. Go away from Battle Los Angeles,
Chappie, Don't Look Up, Johnny Mnemonic, Space Cowboys, Stowaway, Total Recall (the old one is far better), Away, The Silent Sea (usually korea things are good this one is not) and Space Force.
Jul 10, 2020
I quit watching netflix over a year ago. I was spending way more time looking for something to watch than actually watching anything.
And now you come out with this list.
Most of this stuff I already watched, at least two or more years ago.
It's STILL in the list of top scifi to watch? I mean, I'm really glad I'm not paying them anymore if this is the best they can do in the time since I closed my account.
As for Prime, I still have my account, but again I spend more time looking than watching. I have a better collection of movies at home. And after what they did with the Rings of Power, I don't think I can ever watch anything they make again for fear of them destroying another classic.


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