For an example, the cameras on Mariner 10 generated pictures 800 pixels square. The camera electronics generated a data stream of roughly a little over 100,000 bits per second as they digitized the camera image data. Digitizing the camera output in those days (early 1970s) took roughly 45 seconds per picture. (remember Moore's law for computers? Something similar applies to video information over time.) This data stream could be recorded on the on board data recorder at that rate. (pretty amazing for 1970s if you think about it, this was all done without microprocessors, which would not be flown until the Pioneer Venus craft almost 10 years later).<br /><br />Bruce Murray at JPL realized that if the communication system could be upgraded to handle the +100,000 bits per second data stream from the cameras directly, many more photographs could be returned by the spacecraft from Mercury.<br /><br />There is a relationship between the strength of the radio signal from a spacecraft, the frequency of the signal, the sizes of the transmitting and recieving antennas, the desired signal to noise ratio, the distance over which the signals must travel, any absorption of the signal by an atmosphere, and the sensitivity of the reciever electronics to the data rate you wish to transmit.<br /><br />Obviously, with several parameters like that, and serious constraints on the weight and power systems on the spacecraft, data rates from probes will be limited.<br /><br />Mariner 10 took advantage of several advances which are still in use today. The craft was able to transmit on X-band, the craft had a slightly larger antenna, the craft had a slight bump in power output, and on earth, the new ruby maser reciever technology was employed. Additionally, on Mariner 10, their was really only one instrument that required such a high data rate, the cameras. In the future, such instruments as radars, infrared imagers, and high resolution spectrometers would compete with the cameras for band <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> <p><font color="#ff0000"><strong>TPTB went to Dallas and all I got was Plucked !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#339966"><strong>So many people, so few recipes !!</strong></font></p><p><font color="#0000ff"><strong>Let's clean up this stinkhole !!</strong></font> </p> </div>