Is the Unified Field the only EM field in the universe?

Oct 11, 2024
According to modern discoveries in physics, forces are not transmitted directly between interacting objects but instead are described and interpreted by intermediary entities called fields. Furthermore, according to quantum field theory, particles are themselves the quanta of fields. Examples of different fields in physics include vector fields such as the electromagnetic field, spinor fields whose quanta are fermionic particles such as electrons, and tensor fields such as the metric tensor field that describes the shape of spacetime and gives rise to gravitation in general relativity. Unified field theory attempts to organize these fields into a single mathematical structure. Einstein developed the unified theory to explain our universe, observations of our solar system, galaxies etc. and all the motions follows Newton’s Laws. We know that in this current field, that energies flow from negative energies to positive energies, as electrons or negative energies move from negative to positive (our current field/unified field). So then the question becomes if the unified field is the only EM field in our universe, then why do the motions of black holes and neutron stars violate Newton’s Laws? How can multiple objects have reversed motions when energies flow from negative to positive in this unified field?

If the direction of energies flow is reversed for black holes and neutron stars (positive to negative or reverse motions as we observe) from the energies flowing in the unified field (negative to positive following Newton's Laws), then how can we have two different motions of energy flow opposite in one field only?

We also know that according to quantum theory, particles are themselves “the quanta of the fields” so if energies can flow from negative to positive in this unified field we see (we will call it the positive EM field/UFT), then could there be a field that flows in reverse from positive to negative showing reverse motions or a negative EM field? Have we seen any indication of these motions, energies flow etc. In this discussion we will refer to the unified field as a positive field since energies flow from negative to positive.

As we view our world and the cosmos, it’s important to remember where our point of view is coming from as we examine the Universe. Recently a rocket team reports the first successful detection of Earth’s ambipolar electric field: a weak, planet-wide electric field as fundamental as Earth’s gravity and magnetic fields (Source 24). So our planet/solar system/galaxy are all in a positive EM field (energies flow from negative to positive and follows Newton’s Laws), and as such the behavior of electrons, neutrons and protons are known by observation and follow Newton’s Laws. Yet when we view out into space, we see motions that violate Newton’s Laws. Why do we see them working in reverse, and what is causing this to occur? Thinking about matter that gravitationally works in reverse to normal gravity could help resolve outstanding mysteries in cosmology. We observe this behavior with black holes (as it pushes on a galaxy and it is attracted/pulled and not pushed away as Newton’s Laws states), or the arch extending up over the accretion disk as normal gravity would have pulled the arch below the disk because of gravity and it is extended upward against normal gravity, Neutron stars (can be a collapsed star with normal gravity or turn into a type of Neutron star showing reverse Newtonian Laws as we saw recently when two Neutron stars having reversed motions collided and created a black hole (Source 6) and “Dark Matter/Dark Energy” we see, but what is it really? The idea that matter could behave differently or come toward you when you push it away, or that it could rise freely against the pull of the Earth’s gravity certainly sounds outrageous, but this is what we observe many times. In our world of positive energies and positive mass, when two positive energies collide, a Higgs field is created under positive energies and that causes normal gravity to follow Newton’s Laws, time flows in clockwise direction and under normal gravity to flow forward, the Higgs field causes the energies to spin in a clockwise motion (which is the direction of spin for positive matter), the “frequency” of the spin determines the mass weight assigned and then the field disappears and positive mass is present, thus giving off photons and binding matter together. Positive matter can only be combined by ejecting the un-needed electrons or negative energy when combining matter. Where does all of this negative energy/electrons go?

Recent experimental findings that challenge classical understanding.

Colleagues cooled rubidium atoms to just above the temperature of absolute zero (close to -273C), creating what's known as a Bose-Einstein condensate. In this state, particles move extremely slowly, and follow behavior predicted by quantum mechanics, acting like waves. To create the conditions for negative mass, the researchers used lasers to trap the rubidium atoms and to kick them back and forth, changing the way they spin (meaning they changed the direction of spin, and the direction of spin assigns either positive or negative mass). When the atoms were released from the laser trap, they expanded, with some displaying negative mass. "With negative mass, if you push something, it accelerates toward you," said co-author Michael Forbes, assistant professor of physics at WSU. "What's a first here is the exquisite control we have over the nature of this negative mass, without any other complications," said Dr Forbes (Source 1). This heightened control also gives researchers a tool for exploring the possible relationships between negative mass and phenomena observed in the cosmos, such as neutron stars, black holes and dark energy since they ALL display reverse gravity we can see and it displays the same motions of neutron stars and black holes. So if rubidium can be in a negative EM field and have reverse Newtonian movements, than any element can be either positive or negative matter depending on the conditions at the moment of impact (Source 23).

Natural occurring negative mass in our universe.

Sound/Phonons: "In a gravitational field phonons slowly accelerate in the opposite direction that you would expect, say, a brick to fall," one of the team, Rafael Krichevsky. In 2018, however, at Carnegie Mellon University and Niciolis and made an astonishing discovery when observing particle-like sound waves (called phonons) propagating through superfluid helium, cooled close to absolute zero. They found that the phonons moved in upward trajectories, against gravity. Contrary to classical models of sound waves, this implied that the phonons were coupled to gravity, allowing them to carry minuscule amounts of “negative effective gravitational mass” as they travelled. The calculations show that sound waves carry a tiny negative mass, which means that in the presence of a gravitational field, such as that of the Earth, their trajectory is bent upwards (Source 19). We also use sonic drilling to drill through the hardest rock. Why does it work so well? The end of the drilling bit has sonic waves traveling through the drill and the sound waves break up the matter, sonic waves carrying negative mass with a negative EM field helps breakdown matter. True to Niciolis and Penco’s previous observation, the team’s equation showed that sound waves carry a negative mass, meaning they deplete mass as they travel. This also meant that sound waves must interact with Earth’s gravitational feel, moving upwards like a buoyant object in water (Source 19).They further note that the mass was found to be a fraction of the total mass of a system that moved with the wave, as it was displaced from one site to another. Importantly, the researchers did not actually measure mass being carried by a sound wave—they used math to prove it happens (Source 21).

Light/Photons: The University of Rochester researchers say they've developed a device that can create particles exhibiting negative mass, by combining photons from laser light and excitons in a semiconductor. Normally, light is bounced between a pair of mirrors facing each other, and the space where that light is confined is called the optical cavity, or microcavity. In this device's optical microcavity, the team placed an atomically-thin semiconductor made of molybdenum Di selenide, where it could interact with the confined light. Excitons in the semiconductor combined with photons in the confined laser light to form new particles called polaritons, which have negative mass. While I understand this is on a small level, it is present in our positive EM field and shows reverse gravity (Source 22). Note that both lasers and sonic sound are used for many medical purposes in our world such as using lasers and sonic to break apart masses, tear cells down or destroy cancer cells. Well if you think about light and sound having negative mass, then you can visualize how the laser and sonic energies can break apart matter since they have a negative EM field, and matter can be broken down by a negative EM field such as lasers or sonic uses. So we created negative mass multiple times, once with rubidium atoms, once with excitons in the semiconductor and we observed the gravity working in reverse and we find it naturally occurring in our universe in light and sound. Negative mass is fascinating because it contradicts Newton’s intuitive laws. This behavior has been observed in Bose-Einstein condensates and phonons in super fluids, hinting that negative mass particles can exist under specific, extreme cold conditions such as space (colleagues cooled rubidium atoms to just above the temperature of absolute zero (close to -273C), creating what's known as a Bose-Einstein condensate (Source 1).

Unknown Laws of Physics – Reverse of Newtonian Dynamics
Newton's Second Law of Motion says that the force on an object is equal to its inertial mass multiplied by its acceleration (F = ma). Normally all of those values are positive: applying positive force on an object with positive mass will result in positive acceleration, pushing the object forwards. But if an object has negative mass, the force becomes negative too, meaning the object will move in the reverse direction – essentially, pressing itself against your hand if you try to push it. Now, the University of Rochester researchers say they've developed a device that can create particles exhibiting negative mass, by combining photons from laser (negative mass) light and excitons in a semiconductor. Excitons in the semiconductor combined with photons in the confined laser light to form new particles called polaritons, which have negative mass (Source 18). "By causing an exciton to give up some of its identity to a photon to create a polariton, we end up with an object that has a negative mass associated with it," says Nick Vamivakas, lead author of a study describing the device. "That's kind of a mind-bending thing to think about, because if you try to push or pull it, it will go in the opposite direction from what your intuition would tell you." (Source 19) When two negative energies collide and a Higgs field is created it is under negative influence, gravity is in reverse, time flow is reversed in a counter clockwise motion and it causes the two energies to spin counterclockwise producing flow in a negative direction which assigns negative mass, the “frequency” of the spin determines the negative mass weight assigned and the field disappears and the energies are now negative mass working in reverse, the field absorbs the photon or negative energy and no photon is given off. The photon/negative energy is absorbed because the EM field is negative and this is negative energies. Since this is reverse gravity, when a particle pushes another negative mass particle the force is pushed back towards the particle thus holding them together with their own reverse gravity, until such time that the gravitational pull is so strong that a black hole is formed. Reverse gravity has an upward trajectory which is why you see the arch stretching upwards above the event horizon. In the case of a neutron star, the body of a star collapses from losing all of the electrons so matter falls until collision, at which point the Higgs field appears and if it’s under the influence of positive energy it becomes just a collapsed star, but if the field is negative energies then it becomes a neutron star with reverse gravity. Example one shows by taking rubidium atoms and changing the spin from clock wise to counter-clockwise assigning negative mass (Source 1), means that all elements from the periodic table can be influenced by negative energies causing negative mass elements to be made from all of the elements. The main difference is what EM field is present whether it be positive like we see here on Earth, or negative like we see with black holes and neutron stars. The Higgs field is determined based on energies present at the moment of collision. Under positive energies EM is positive, gravity runs forward, time runs forward, direction of energies spin is clockwise assigning positive mass. The Higgs field is determined based on energies present at the moment of collision. Under positive energies EM is positive, gravity runs forward, time runs forward, direction of energies spin is clockwise assigning positive mass. Under negative energies the Higgs fields EM is negative, gravity flows in reverse and time is reversed and energies spin is counterclockwise providing negative mass. It determines gravities direction of flow, energies spin either forward or reverse to assign mass and time flows either forward or in reverse all based on the field.

How does black holes form?
First, we must explore all mechanisms that make black holes different than what we observe in our solar system with “normal gravity”. Black holes gravity is working in reverse of Newton’s Laws. We know this for a fact because we observe a black hole pushing on a galaxy, and “normal gravity” says that a force pushing should accelerate in the same direction as the force, and instead it pulls back towards the black hole. Scientists created negative mass, measured it and see the reverse gravity in action with their own eyes (Source 7), and this negative mass exists in sound waves (source 5) and lights waves (Source 8) naturally in our universe. Second, we look at the arch extending in an upwards trajectory over the accretion disk (see source 2). This is why the arch extends upward, which is against “normal gravity” as normal gravity pulls everything down so if this were in a positive EM field, then the arch would extend under the accretion disk. So these three things (gravity of black hole in reverse, creating negative mass and observing this behavior, seeing the trajectory of the arch extend up against normal gravity show us that it’s negative mass that is causing the reverse gravity in “spooky action”. Negative mass creates a negative EM field which causes gravity to work in reverse (Source 7) and until enough negative mass is collected it’s just clouds of negative mass in negative EM fields and electrons that don’t give off any light because photons are absorb, so you only see the negative EM field because the change in charges cause the positive EM field to give off photons so we see dark matter or really negative EM fields holding electrons dark, however the negative mass has not grown strong enough to create conditions for a black hole to occur. In the case of a neutron star, the body of a star collapses from losing all of the electrons so matter falls until collision, at which point the Higgs field appears and if it’s under the influence of positive energy it becomes just a collapsed star, but if the field is negative it then becomes a neutron star and functions in reverse gravity.

We know this because when the two Neutron stars collided into each other (Source 6), which is the reverse of how gravity works. Example the moon is being pushed by Earth's gravity, but yearly it is getting further away from Earth. This is normal gravity and it does not apply to the actions we see. This takes the size of the negative mass to reach a point when negative EM field is so strong that a black hole is created, which is exactly what happened when two Neutron stars collided, in a negative EM field causes enough negative mass to create a black hole. We see this happen with our instruments, and this makes perfect sense based on what we see and that we saw a black hole created. So this clearly explains the formation of black holes and what they are made of. Not if the black hole itself is made up of negative mass, as Tarlé and colleagues from five institutions are strengthening the case for this scenario with recent data from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument. With negative mass gravity is opposite, meaning instead of gravity holding matter together, anti-matter tears it apart. Is that not what a black hole does as you know it?
"If black holes contain dark energy, they can couple to and grow with the expanding universe, causing its growth to accelerate" said Kevin Croker, lead author of the team's new study and an assistant research scientist at Arizona State University. "We can't get the details of how this is happening, but we can see evidence that it is happening." Evidence from five institutions...."The two phenomena were consistent with each other—as new black holes were made in the deaths of massive stars, the amount of dark energy in the universe increased in the right way," said Duncan Farrah, associate professor of physics at the University of Hawai'i and co-author of the study. "This makes it more plausible that black holes are the source of dark energy." The only energy to have opposite affects from "Normal" gravity comes from negative mass (which has been proven 3 separate times, twice in super cold fluid and once with sound waves that instead of having a downward trajectory as gravity requires, it has an upward trajectory).

So how do black holes grow?
Black holes grow in two different distinct ways. One in which they grow as they pull matter in and tears matter apart stealing all of the electrons or negative energies present, and thus causing the black hole to expand its negative mass. It also collects negative mass from the leftover electrons/negative energies given off when creating positive matter in positive EM fields. Negative mass has repulsive gravitational properties, and this can influence the structure of black holes and the shape of their event horizons. So how does black holes form and grow in a normal galaxy with a positive EM field?
Understanding that Electrons have three different movements.
The best glimpse yet of electrons moving in a magnetic field has revealed that the particles' behavior differs strongly from what is predicted by classical physics but is consistent with quantum-mechanical theory. Instead of rotating uniformly at a particular frequency, an international team of researchers has found that electrons in a magnetic field are capable of rotating at three different frequencies, depending on their quantum properties. According to classical physics, electrons should rotate about the magnetic-field direction with a single frequency, called the "cyclotron frequency". But in their experiments, the researchers found that, contrary to what was predicted, they were able to induce a multitude of rotation frequencies in their moving electrons, namely the cyclotron frequency, zero frequency and the Larmor frequency (which is half the cyclotron frequency, Source 17). "This is a very exciting finding, and it will contribute to a better understanding of the fundamental quantum features of electrons in magnetic fields," says Franco Nori of the RIKEN Centre for Emergent Matter Science in Japan, who led the research. In addition to showing that the rotational dynamics of the electrons are more complex and intriguing than was once believed, the new findings could have practical implications for technology, according to the researchers.
They determined that these three movements with electrons take place in space under super cool conditions, which prompted the building of the cold lab on the International Space Station to study their movements. One electron moves to the outer edge of the field/boundary, one circles in the middle for available use and one rises up or collects at the center of a field/galaxy, so one movement controls the boundary of the field of space, one circles to be available in space for use, and one rises up to the middle of the field to collect negative energy until it’s strong enough to form a black hole. Think of the zillions of matter assembled and all of the electrons ejected and they collect to the center of the field and become a black hole in every galaxy. The reason solid matter is “solid” is that the Pauli exclusion principle prevents electrons from passing through other electrons in the same energy state. A universe of negative matter would look like a universe of positive matter if gravity and electrostatic forces switched: gravity repels and electrostatic forces attract. Negative matter would accumulate into huge charged balls and this could be the “voids” we see in the universe (Source 17).

So what is the dark matter we see?
When a galaxy is pushed by negative mass, it attracts it in the same way as a black hole meaning that gravity is in reverse so pushing on an object causes attraction, however the negative mass has not grown strong enough to create conditions for a black hole to occur tearing matter apart so it’s clouds of negative energy and negative matter. This takes the size of the negative mass to reach a point when negative EM field is so strong that gravity forms a black hole. When the galaxy approaches negative mass, the negative mass has a negative electromagnetic field in which as charges change, the field absorbs the photon in a negative EM field and the photon is not given off as negative energy is absorbed. There is a change in charges, so photons are given off in a positive EM field and this is why we see the dark matter, but not in the negative EM field as negative energy is absorbed and not given off. What we are seeing is dark electrons/elements in a negative electromagnetic field that through a telescope appears to be dark matter. Sound waves have been measured to be negative mass, they have an upward trajectory because gravity is in reverse and no photons are given off because they were absorbed by the negative EM field, thus appearing to be dark.

A recent study published on the arXiv preprint database has thrown dark matter’s theoretical simplicity out the window by researchers who may have actually figured out how to generate massive dark matter particles. Those particles, they propose, aren’t lightweight at all and could come in all kinds of “species” — with their own “dark matter periodic table” of invisible elements, originally formed soon after the Big Bang after getting trapped in black holes (Source 23).

Time runs both ways.
A few years ago, we experimentally proved the laws of physics are different depending on which direction time runs (Source 3). Here's how we know. We live in a Universe where there’s more negative mass than positive mass, but the laws of physics we know are completely symmetric between matter and antimatter. Digging through nearly 10 years of data from billions of particle collisions, researchers found that certain particle types change into one another much more often in one way than they do in the other, a violation of time reversal symmetry and confirmation that some subatomic processes have a preferred direction of time. Lead researcher Dr. Gordey Lesovik, who heads the Laboratory of the Physics of Quantum Information at the MIPT, said: “We have artificially created a state that evolves in a direction opposite to that of the thermodynamic arrow of time.” (Source 4) In our everyday experiences, clocks never run backwards; scrambled eggs never un-cook and unscramble themselves; shattered glass never spontaneously reassembles itself. But if you were to look at the laws of physics that govern the way the Universe works ⁠— from Newton's laws of motion down to the quantum physics of subatomic particles ⁠— you'd find something peculiar and unexpected: the rules are exactly the same whether time runs forwards or backwards. However there is not a continuation of time from the positive field to the negative field, so a broken glass made of positive matter would not reassemble taken from a positive field in pieces and placed in a negative field and suddenly it would reassemble, as it would not. Since it would have to go from a positive EM field to a negative EM field, there is no continuation like rewinding a video. Each time is independent from each other. The idea that certain quantum interactions break time-reversal symmetry suggests time's flow may not be an absolute feature but rather a context-dependent one, influenced by the nature of the particles and fields involved. For example, time-asymmetric processes have been observed in particle-antiparticle transformations, where matter and antimatter don’t behave identically when time is reversed. Regions of negative mass exist and experience time differently, it raises questions about how our universe’s timeline interacts with others. This model a dual flow of time, where one direction applies to “positive matter” and another to “negative matter,” creating a cosmology with bidirectional time. Since negative mass reverses temporal behavior, certain pockets of space experience "backward" time relative to the rest of the universe. This is possible because in a region of space that has a negative EM field would have time flow in a reverse direction. This is consistent with theories of closed time-like curves in general relativity, where paths through spacetime loop back on themselves. Based on this information it is plausible that positive mass follows Newton’s Laws, and Negative mass follow the rules/laws “reversed” and time can flow in both directions since classical explanations are not possible, and quantum theory/superposition wins because this is based on energies influenced. In a negative mass context, this could mean systems where entropy doesn’t always increase.

Einstein-Rosen bridges/Vortex/Wormholes Einstein's theory of general relativity mathematically predicts the existence of wormholes, but none have been discovered to date. A negative mass wormhole might be spotted by the way it’s gravity affects light that passes through it as it would look hazy with light scattered and appear cloudy like. It’s also possible to point a laser and see the light bend from the positive EM field to the negative EM field before it disappears since in a negative EM field the field absorbs photons and are NOT given off, or by Lidar readings that show columns of Earth stretching up into the sky since negative mass has an upward trajectory, they would look like columns of dirt coming up from the ground (Source 16). In GR, negative mass means parallel geodesics diverge. Equation of geodesic deviation: Second derivative of the distance between geodesics is the mass density* (in the co-moving frame) *more specifically, a function of the stress-energy tensor, which reduces to the mass density in a properly chosen co-moving frame. Diverging geodesics are a geometrical result of any gravitational field lines for a Einstein-Rosen bridge wormhole (Source 15), and negative mass is required to make a wormhole because it requires a negative EM field, which can alter time/space. Wormholes need negative EM field energy to alter the fabric and time of space (Source 16).

So how does the expansion/contraction of space work? Numerous astronomical observations show that our universe is expanding at an ever increasing rate. However, Einstein’s theory of relativity states that if the universe contains only the species of particles and radiation we know, such behavior of the fabric of space is impossible (Source 20). "If black holes contain dark energy, they can couple to and grow with the expanding universe, causing its growth to accelerate" said Kevin Croker, lead author of the team's new study and an assistant research scientist at Arizona State University. "We can't get the details of how this is happening, but we can see evidence that it is happening." Data from the first year of DESI's planned five-year survey shows tantalizing evidence that the density of dark energy increased in time. This provides a compelling clue supporting this idea of what dark energy is, the researchers said, because that increase in time agrees with how the amount and mass of black holes increased in time (Source 21).
At the moment before the Big Bang, this negative mass holds the positive matter/energy tight against the negative matter/energy in a small space because the field of negative matter/energy is strongest at this point with all of positive matter broken down into it’s smallest pieces. Meaning that positive matter into a zillion pieces has less gravity strength than a collection of mass with weight. In this broken down state, positive EM field is at its weakest. The positive matter wants to be pushed away, but the negative EM field attracts and holds it until a nuclear force are strong enough to break negative reverse gravities force and that’s the big Bang as we know it. All matters and energies both positive and negative are shot out in space. This is the beginning of the expansion of space under positive matter influence. Positive matter collects together and becomes mass, solar systems and galaxies through positive gravity. Negative matter/energies collect together by expelled electrons and at this point they are clouds of energies, and through collisions they take on their matter based on the Higgs field and whether it is influenced by a positive energies or negative energies. At some point enough negative energy/mass collects and when the force of negative EM is strong enough, it then becomes a black hole. Until that time, you will see clouds of negative mass/negative EM field absorbs the photon do to current changes, so only positive EM field shows or releases photons. This is the dark matter we see, only it’s negative EM field holding electrons and elements. Black holes push on galaxies and because of reverse gravity with a negative EM field, they attract matter instead of pushing it way. As black holes continue to break positive matter apart, and collecting negative energy/matter to create more black holes until enough matter is broken down to slow expansion. The more positive matter broken down, the slower the expansion of space until such point that there is more negative matter collected than positive matter collected as mass, the stronger negative EM field contracts space only to repeat the cycle. Super Massive Black holes is the mechanism that breaks matter down at a huge pace which clearly goes to expansion and contraction of space. Matter in tiny particles has a very weak EM field, so at some point when enough matter is broken down, the negative mass/negative EM field will contract space again. “Negative energy” is the force behind cosmic inflation, which is now our standard theory of the early moments of the big bang.

The first result of Friedmann equation for accelerated expansion was negative mass density
2016 Nobel lecture by Adam Riess : The official website of the Nobel Prize Negative Mass? Actually the first indication of the discovery!

HSS(The High-z Supernova Search) team : if Λ=0, Ω_m = - 0.38(±0.22) : negative mass density
SCP(Supernova Cosmology Project) team : if Λ=0, Ω_m = - 0.4(±0.1) : negative mass density

In the acceleration equation, (c=1)
(1/R)(d^2R/dt^2) = -(4πG/3)(ρ+3P)
In order for the universe to expand at an accelerated rate, the right side must be positive, and therefore (ρ+3P) must be negative. In other words, a negative mass density is needed for the universe to expand at an accelerated rate. They had negative thoughts about negative mass (negative energy). So, they discarded the negative mass (density). They corrected the equation and argued that the accelerated expansion of the universe was evidence of the existence of a cosmological constant. However, the vacuum energy model has not succeeded in explaining the value of dark energy density, and the source of dark energy has not yet been determined.
They introduce negative pressure, which hides the negative mass density in the negative pressure, but this does not mean that the negative mass density has disappeared.
ρ Λ + 3P_Λ = ρ_Λ + 3(-ρ_Λ) = - 2ρ_Λ
If we expand the dark energy term, the final result is a negative mass density of -2ρ_Λ.

2. Logical structure of the standard cosmology
We need to look at the logic behind the success of standard cosmology.

Let's look at the equation expressing (ρ+3P) as the critical density of the universe.
(1/R)(d^2R/dt^2) = -(4πG/3)(ρ+3P)
Matter + Dark Matter (approximately 31.7%) = ρ_m ~ (1/3)ρ_c
Dark energy density (approximately 68.3%) = ρ_Λ ~ (2/3)ρ_c
(Matter + Dark Matter)'s pressure = 3P_m ~ 0
Dark energy’s pressure = 3P_Λ = 3(-(2/3)ρ_c ) = -2ρ_c
ρ+3P ≃ ρ_m +ρ_Λ +3(P_m +P_Λ)= (1/3)ρ_c +(2/3)ρ_c +3(−2/3)ρ_c = (+1)ρ_c + (-2)ρ_c = (−1)ρ_c
ρ+3P ≃ (+1)ρ_c + (-2)ρ_c = (−1)ρ_c

The logic behind the success of the ΛCDM model is a universe with a positive mass density of (+1)ρ_c and a negative mass density of (-2)ρ_c. So, finally, the universe has a negative mass density of “(-1)ρ_c”, so accelerated expansion is taking place.

The energy ratio of the components of the universe (matter, dark matter and dark energy) is studied using the model and found to be comparable with the observational data obtained from WMAP and Planck. Finally it is concluded that the model deserves a serious consideration, given its consistency with the observational data (Source 9). The current universe is similar to a state where the negative mass (energy) density is twice the positive mass(energy) density. And the total mass of the observable universe is the negative mass state. This is why negative mass controls the expansion and contraction of space.

Concerns about vacuum instability problem, runaway problem, and wheel problem with negative mass.
There has been an old and false claims in the scientific community related to negative mass. This paper describes the vacuum instability problem, runaway motion problem, and wheel problem with negative mass and positive mass (Source 12). The fundamental properties of negative mass can explain important characteristics of dark matter. 1) additional centripetal force effects, 2) explanations derived from fundamental principles about the reason why dark matter does not have electromagnetic interaction, 3) repulsive gravity ensuring almost even distribution and lower interaction of dark matter, 4) gravitational lens effect, 5) accelerating expansion of the universe can be explained with negative mass. Therefore, we should seriously examine the negative mass model. What about vacuum issues? The particles in a volume are in constant motion. Particles collide and exert a force on matters surface area, which is called "pressure". One can measure this force per unit area, called pressures (Source 11).Therefore, by a pressure measurement one obtains the number and intensity of particle impacts on a unit of surface area. Since all matters in the Universe are free flowing or in a non-constricted in anyway, all atmospheric pressures should be essentially the same throughout the system/Universe, since nothing is restricting equilibrium/ equivalence principal.

Gravitational binding energy - A negative inertial mass then means that acceleration and the force have opposite directions and does not depend rigorously on the quantity of matter in the system. Assuming the equivalence principal to hold then the ratio of inertial and gravitational masses is universal, therefore gravitational mass could also be negative. The mass-energy equivalence expressed by Einstein equation E = mc2 , does not restrict the sign of mass to be positive since this equation generalizes to E = q p 2 /R c 2 + m2c 4 in a given inertial frame of reference R. In the rest frame (p 2 = 0) it reads E = |m|c 2 (Source 14). Mass energy (Mc^2) is an attractive component, and the equivalent mass (-M_gp) of gravitational potential energy is a repulsive component. Therefore, if |(-M_gp)c^2}| < Mc^2, there is a decelerated expansion, and if |(-M_gp)c^2| > Mc^2, accelerated expansion is performed. |(-M_gp)c^2| = Mc^2 is the inflection point from the decelerated expansion to the accelerated expansion (Source 13).

Math to support negative energies, gravitational mass, dense fluid, negative mass in classical mechanics, gravitational interaction, negative mass in Thermodynamics, negative mass in Quantum mechanics, Negative Mass in Galilean relativity, Schrodinger equation, Klein-Gordan equation, and the Dirac equation (Source 14). It is clear from the above that the laws of physics don’t exclude in any way the existence of negative mass particles. Anti-matter has a negative mass whose effects would only show up in an gravitational interaction with positive mass matter in a negative EM field just like black holes.

Negative mass is an object whose existence is required by the law of the conservation of energy. Thus E=E

So are you a believer that one unified EM field covers the entire universe, or do we need to be open to explore the possibility of more?

1 – Physicists observe 'negative mass' - BBC News

2 – Researchers suggest phonons may have mass and perhaps negative gravity

2A - Calculations provide insight into why sound waves carry ‘negative mass’ – Physics World

3 – Mind-Bending Discovery: Neutrons Defy Classical Physics in Astonishing Experiment

4 – Russian Scientists Used a Quantum Computer to Turn Back Time

5 – Sound carries mass | Nature Reviews Physics

6 – Hubble watches neutron stars collide and explode to create black hole and 'birth atoms' | Live Science

7 – If the absolute value of positive mass is bigger than that of negative mass, they will meet within finite time(attractive effect). Could this be black holes, and could they grow larger by the negative mass it collects? Is the reason some black holes have the arch going up opposite of the accretion disk, having to do with negative mass as shown create/moved in upward trajectories, against gravity? Luttinger observed that negative-mass objects would gravitationally repel all objects of any mass (positive or negative), while positive-mass objects would gravitationally attract all objects of any mass. Yet when we obverse the motions, we see the black hole push, and instead of following Newton’s Laws, we observe they are in reverse.

8 – Negative mass particles forged in new laser device

9 – (PDF) Pair Creation Model of the Universe From Positive and Negative Energy

10 – Astronomers Struggle to Explain Why Ancient Black Holes Are Nowhere to Be Found

11 – p1.pdf

12 – (PDF) Dark Matter is Negative Mass

13 – (PDF) Dark Energy is Gravitational Potential Energy or Energy of the Gravitational Field

14 – Math to support, gravitational mass, dense fluid, negative mass in classical mechanics, gravitational interaction, negative mass in Thermodynamics, negative mass in Quantum mechanics, Negative Mass in Galilean relativity, Schrodinger equation, Klein-Gordan equation, and the Dirac equation.


15 – PowerPoint Presentation

16 – What are wormholes? | Space

17 – Electrons-in-magnetic-field-reveal-surprises---physicsworld.pdf

18 – Negative mass particles forged in new laser device

19 – Calculations provide insight into why sound waves carry ‘negative mass’ – Physics World

20 – Huge cosmological mystery could be solved by wormholes, new study argues

21 – Study links black holes to dark energy

22 – More evidence of sound waves carrying mass

23 – Dark matter could have an invisible “periodic table,” study suggests — but it's still elusive

24 – NASA Discovers a Long-Sought Global Electric Field on Earth - NASA Science
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