2nd Kuiper Belt? Our solar system may be much larger than thought

We’re gonna have to get some very powerful emitters out there to light that place up. Very powerful radars, probably nuclear powered. We might be very surprised at what’s out there. It’s our only frontier. Our last frontier. And we haven’t map it.

There might be a derelict out there.
Feb 14, 2020
Another possibility is similarity to asteroid belt.
In earlier estimates Asteroid belt is also possibly a broken up former planet.
If that still holds, then Kuiper belts 1 and now 2 might be broken fragments of another planet like object?
It would be nice to learn about relationships among kuiperbelts and next distant clouds called Oort Clouds?
It would be nice to learn about the size distribution in all these belts, to model planet fragmentation hypothesis.
Jun 19, 2024
What about the Ort Cloud?

As for using a powerful radar, I think a radar spacecraft powered by nuks, might se more than Earth bound radar. Could do a 360 scan, point radar dish at Earth to do a data dump and repeat, as it continues out to even the Ort cloud.
That break in between the identified knives belt(s), might it be from Planet 9(10) clearing out its orbit?
If it exists then Planet Nine influences further out, at around 500 au. And it is too small at too wide orbit to clear its orbit, it has to earn its planethood in another way. Similar distant exoplanets have been observed.

In earlier estimates Asteroid belt is also possibly a broken up former planet.
If that still holds,
It doesn't, both belts have been established as left over disk debris from the original protoplanetary disk.
The asteroid belt formed from the primordial solar nebula as a group of planetesimals,[9] the smaller precursors of the protoplanets.
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Feb 14, 2020
Torbjorn Larsson
Thanks for Link.
I have updated to new understanding that nebular hypothesis for planetesimals is most current, although unless one can trace the past events, other hypotheses could also be valid, energy arguments go against the missing broken planet old hypothesis for asteroids. Having worked on interstellar grains, comets and sublimation processes in space, I tend to agree with above.

It would be nice to study Hilda and Near Earth Asteroids with reference to Jupiter resonances and to see if there is more evidence of such perturbation from Jupiter.
This raises Qs on rings of Saturn which I will study and report separately.
There is no mention yet in this link on Kuiper Belts and Oort clouds connection, likely to have interstellar influence. Hence it is relevant to understand through faster nuclear powered robotic missions, their composition and formation history similarly.
Another Question? Do the size distributions match my Colleague Dr Julius Dohnanyi's meteorite size distributions?

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