Interesting Cat your questions in post #32. You asked "What do you say to my simplistic proof?
but a very simplistic proof of evolution (excluding the possibility of extra terrestrial interference) is that "then there were those primitive organisms - now there are ourselves" so what but evolution can be proposed?
QUOTE As I see it, barring extra terrestrials, the only alternative is independent occurrence of monkeys, apes and humans et cetera. I believe we can rule out independent occurrence?"
Documented issues. Living fossils are abundant and show little change towards evolving into better and higher types with major 3D form changes. Here is a recent example, 'Jurassic Spider from China Is Largest Fossil Specimen Discovered', My observation. ScienceDaily reported on a fossil find in China that was a golden orb-weaver spider species (Nephila). It is in strata considered to be Jurassic age. This was some 150 or more million years ago. The find is considered an example of living fossils because the modern Nephila genus are identical to the fossil species found. There are more than 3,000 living fossils documented now since 2013 in the Paleobiology database. Living stromatolites documented on earth since 1956 are another example, some 3 billion years or more old and no evolutionary transformation or macro evolutionary change.
Cat, Geomartian acknowledges and takes the position that Darwinian science does not explain for example the Cambrian explosion. There is also the entire problem of the plant record explosion too including trees as well as little or no *biological change over time* for more than 3,000 living fossils documented now. This view leaves out numerous examples of the evolutionary tree of life nodes connected in diagrams for the fossil record that have no fossil record for that connection, step by step, inch by inch
Cat you said, "I would have to agree with this:
[This record is repeatable, undeniable factual global evidence for] a long process of evolution…of biological change over time. The total fossil record reveals these same upward changes, irrespective of the mechanisms that caused them.
*a long process of evolution…of biological change over time.* is model dependent dating methods and I just documented some objective examples at Grand Canyon that show how quickly different ages can be found. Defining precisely how *biological change over time* works has issues as seen in living fossils. I do not see such evidence as *fact* but model dependent interpretation of the observation(s) in nature which can be considered a theory, perhaps a good theory in places and holes in other parts. Does main stream science embrace Charles Darwin today, especially in biology and fossil studies? My answer is yes. There is little alternative it seems when committed to naturalism in science. Geomartian approach to the Cambrian explosion injects space alien intelligence in earth's past, someone else may inject progressive creationism thinking (assuming the dates for the fossils are correct).
Thanks Cat for your thoughtful questions and comments. However, we are both off the discussion about horses in the fossil record and human riders that started the thread

I hope you will enjoy success at treating short term memory loss, that can be troubling.