I also commented on another of my started threads on this type of discussion, but I will also do so here! The answer to this new NASA proposal is a resounding YES, at least from myself!
While this may to some extent not follow my own total ideas for going back to the moon, it IS still the best idea to come out of NASA in a long time! And eventually, it actually would make getting to a high LEO orbit for starting a transfer space station also far easier and less expensive!
IN fact, it would allow NASA to not only get back to the moon using just the current shuttle technology (and it also may modify, but still uses the basic ideas of the Direct people also, which should then give it their support), but it would also allow NASA to keep the shuttles flying at a reduced rate, and still allow the US to get back to the moon in a far easier, safer, and even faster manner then the current over blown methodology of the Constellation project!
And I do think from the comments of such as Augustine, that THIS is absolutely going to be the recommendation of the new oversight committee! And will even impress Congress, with its ability to not only keep the shuttles flying (at only three per year, as that is all that should be needed for the ISS) until this new system is operational with the dragon capsules ability to keep sending all six people up to the ISS at the same time! And at the same time still go back to the moon, without a large increase (or perhaps no increase at all) in NASA's funding. This would be especially helpful to the politicians at this critical time in our economies problems!
The only possible fly in the ointment that I can see is the simple question that I can see Congress asking NASA. That question being, just why was this not thought of all along?
But I do not think that this question would be a show stopper anyway!
VERY GLAD, to see NASA finally coming around to the same kind of thinking that others have been doing here all along!!
Wonderful, simply wonderful!!!