on the whole infinite energy thing, there is a fallacy. As i posted earlier energy is the by-product of mass. any mass. but not really. it is the result of the forces binding the mass, any mass. fission, fusion, what have you. energy is inherently bound to any massive object and can be quantified, in that sense, energy (=) mc2 and energy (being) mc2 is the same thing. its the forces that matter. <br />split an atom and it is the strength of the force, which is determined by its mass that has the binding energy that will be released. more mass, more force to hold it together, AND here is the fallacy. There is no infinite energy. it is an exact amount directly related to the amount of mass in the universe, for one reason, it requires the exact same amount of energy in order to split an atom, or fuse it, that is released. the exchange in this rate is that very balance that proved the universe cannot exceed its amount, but must maintain that balance. the same amount of energy that the atom bomb dispelled is the same that went into its split. if that makes sense. <div class="Discussion_UserSignature"> </div>