First and foremost let me appologize this may be a stupid question but I was watching a show about Titan and I was totally blown away by the lakes of methane I believe on the planet. It looked so much like earth but was different. My question is, what if we had some kind of rover that we sent out and had it land in a methane lake, now lets assume we built it to withstand the cold of the Titan surface. I know that water is very harmful to electronics im not exactly sure why but all I know is if u drop a cell phone in the toilet it quits working lol. Would liquid methane act in the same way? Would anything "wet" damage electronics? Im not talking about the cold temps, just it being "wet" from the methane lakes if thats even possible. Or would the Rover just sink and sit there in the lake? I was just wondering since methane is a gas, and electronics seem to work fine in gas well Ive only seen small concentrations but you get the point. Anyways any info would be helpful thanks.