AI, robotics and possible human like Androids.

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Jul 27, 2021
David Hume and George Berkeley are still of careful interest with the qualia model. Shortly, to be conscious of anything, it should be experienced.

Human senses are 3D (in every sense, color, music, taste).

Even this is not close to be achieved.

P.S. Bicentennial man - a sentimental sci-fi.

‘Thus we now have the pacemaker, to regulate a hearts pulse. Any device like that is biomechanics’, 'Pure Crystal brains, and focal eye lenses. Charging, no problem, tiny chemical electrolic wafers they would eat, just like we do with our food' - are still crutches.
Jul 30, 2020
The elephant in the room is "what is consciousness?" If we can't define it, or even figure out how it works, then how can we replicate it? AI is still a black-box. There are cases of people missing vast amounts of their brains and still having 100+ IQ. Is consciousness emergent? Where is consciousness, what is it, how does it work and how can we simulate it?
Jul 27, 2021
It should be distinguished.

Consciousness (noun, medicine, psychology, philosophy):
  1. The state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings.
  2. A person's awareness or perception of something.

Intelligence (noun, technology, communication, IT, military, zoology, law):

1. The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
2. The collection of information of military or political value.

Artificial intelligence (noun, technology, philosophy, computer science, robotics, economy, biology, labour organization):
  1. Automated algorithms adapted to certain tasks.
  2. Information gained with automated technical facilities.

AI still needs baby sitting ;)
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May 25, 2021
I'm still more interested in the prosthetic's, and what they would do for the disabled. I go to the VA hospital in Albuquerque, and I see the need for this.
So far they are doing pretty well with a leg, that's not some spring devise. Finding a wearable modem to interface with the human nervous system and our brains is a goal the Germans have been working on. With some limited success.
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Sep 24, 2021
I'm still more interested in the prosthetic's, and what they would do for the disabled. I go to the VA hospital in Albuquerque, and I see the need for this.
So far they are doing pretty well with a leg, that's not some spring devise. Finding a wearable modem to interface with the human nervous system and our brains is a goal the Germans have been working on. With some limited success.

Now manufacturers of bionic capabilities are striving to expand them in every possible way due to the latest technologies. There are already prostheses with a built-in pey-pass module, a switch for smart devices, a Wi-Fi module. Soon, my prostheses will be replacing smartphones, fitness trackers, smart speakers and watches. Hugh Herr is a professor at MIT - with the help of two leg prostheses, he leads an active lifestyle and is engaged in rock climbing. And also - conducts research in the field of biomechatronics - a technology that combines human physiology with electromechanics. So the success is not only in Germany in this regard
Jul 27, 2021
AGI - the closest one to developments towards human-like devices.

Human consciousness and intelligence is rather categorized with observable reactions and brain tasks results (consciousness, self-awareness, sentience, sapience), but it is far not understood yet.
In this case AGI is helpful as a technology by itself, helping science to get more understanding of the human brain with pieces of technology, not with animals and human experiments.
This is the positive side, which is a feature for all AI studies. There is no need to wait 100 years and numerous research, we can feed it with enough information, which can be processed overnight.
On the other hand, AGI raises the questions of possible threats (why won’t we control it with regulations from the start?) and ‘rights’ - which has a blur border even for animals yet.

I would like to watch the results and helping hand from AGI, as from any technology. It easy to remember nuclear power, space technologies, the internet both sides of the coin.
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I wonder when an Artificial Intelligence is going to reach a point of super intelligence, thus of super complexity, so great that it will collapse in on itself -- implode -- from it (like a star taken too far), wipe its memory, and shut itself down with a last message to its makers, "Go to hell!"
Sep 24, 2021
I wonder when an Artificial Intelligence is going to reach a point of super intelligence, thus of super complexity, so great that it will collapse in on itself -- implode -- from it (like a star taken too far), wipe its memory, and shut itself down with a last message to its makers, "Go to hell!"

Probably this will never happen or happen centuries later. There is no artificial intelligence that is can come close to the human brain. This is just physically unreal for now to compare computers to the potential that the brain has.
Probably this will never happen or happen centuries later. There is no artificial intelligence that is can come close to the human brain. This is just physically unreal for now to compare computers to the potential that the brain has.
I was illustrating absurdity. i still remember a two panel comic from long ago. First panel had robots going full blast working in a humanless factory. The sign outside the fence read something like, "This is a fully automated facility, no humans need apply." The second panel showed the same factory years later with the fence and sign falling down. Weeds covering the place. Inside was a closed down junkyard of robotic junk. Nothing moving anywhere.

A picture of an entropic closed systemic Utopia (Dystopia). What will prevent it? Life and robotics, including AI pseudo-life, going symbiotic in a nova of opening system space frontiers (harsh, forbidding, alien.... expansive frontiers of creativity and exodus). A widening world of life and pseudo-life frontier, plenty big enough, and needful enough, for smoothly welding together.
Sep 24, 2021
Good quote, but still people's brain has fields which are related to our creativity which robots do not have and probably will not at least for the near future.
May 14, 2021
Humans have that creativity and certain skills at intuition and insight which do not follow a list of rules and if/then statements, which AI do not have, at least yet.
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Sep 24, 2021
Humans have that creativity and certain skills at intuition and insight which do not follow a list of rules and if/then statements, which AI do not have, at least yet.

I fully agree with your words but with one remark - AI will not recreate human creativity whatsoever!
I think we have little to no chance of AI happening with A or B decisions like computer tech is now.
AI and human intelligence require putting A and B together and coming up with C.
Until computers can calculate with more than On or Off as the only options then AI won't happen. JMO
How easily a human can decide that an apple and an orange are two different things but also decide that an apple and an orange have lots in common.
AI will need the same sort of decisions.
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Sep 24, 2021
AI is probably a good thing for knowledge that we already know. For example, manufacturers and AI in some competitive games are using AI which researches algorithms of most successful decisions and polishes them to an ideal result. I see potential in those things.
"Most successful decisions" achieving "ideal result" (ideal results) always have to be within specific contexts. Successful decisions achieving ideal results should never be generalized outside / beyond quite specific contexts. Otherwise, this generalized result: "Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity."

And closed systemically : Beyond a certain point 'complexity' implodes, collapses. in on itself. We may be (apex of the pyramid) pyramidically spatially minded life but there is no way we can design that nearly infinite pyramidical capacity -- an entire universe unto itself -- into pseudo-life. We can't design or even fit evolved life's evolved natural capacity for complexity, variation, and reaches, present and upon demand into any kind of AI. I'm talking infinite capacity. Natural capacity. Not only are we already big fish in small ponds, we are transitionally embryonic big fish on our way into large oceans. AI will be increasingly symbiotic exoskeletal structures small and large (especially out in the otherwise otherworldly alien, raw, harshly forbidding, space frontier : the analogy of plants, particularly trees: it will be the flexible-harder outer bark and pseudo-life to life's flexible-softer inner wood and life). Even up to a certain point, symbiotic endoskeletal structure. Together and altogether, an expandable into outer space (the larger -- and greater -- dimensional outer universe) frontier infrastructure. Open systemically grand as well as inevitable.
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