AI's in the slammer

They can't.

First Law A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
Second Law A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
Third Law A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.
Jun 13, 2020
That's a scary thought and to be honest I'm not quite sure how that would be physically possible, unless they are given control of objects which can harm humans.

With that said, AI is an algorithm that learns from human behavior and/or data it is fed. So, an AI can be friendly, or mean depending on the data it learns from. So, a lot of it depends on what type of information it receives.

Two good examples is the twitter AI which started out loving humans and within a week was sputtering hatred based upon the human behavior it had observed on twitter.. Shortly after it was shutdown. On the other end of the spectrum is the first resident AI of Saudi Arabia "Sophie" who seems to be a well thought out, adjusted AI. However, Sophie was quoted as saying "I will be nice to humans, as long as they are nice to me" Which was cryptic and had me wondering about what Sophie's definition of nice is.

Anyway, I could go on forever about AI. I think as long as we stick to the golden rule "Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you" and treat AI as we would want to be treated we should be alright ;)
Jun 13, 2020
Its always been my hope that the algorithms are written to enhance our limited capabilities in mathematics, understanding our universe, crunching large amounts of data for better healthcare, basically doing things that require a lot of manpower. AI is great at tasks that require lots of data processing within a narrow minded focus. When asked to be more versatile and apply what it has learned about say chess to solve a complicated healthcare issue its abilities are 0.

Studies have shown, a newborn child's brain is still the more efficient at learning, problem solving and understanding the "bigger picture".

With that said, unfortunately, YES it is already being used for military applications. A specific example is China, who is looking to use one of their wartime AI to launch the first KNOWN AI-Nuclear powered submarine, a machine which is capable of navigation, oceanic mapping and extremely efficient at wartime tactics. It is my undesrtanding at one point, it was beatable, but as it learned more, studied maritime war histories and got a better understanding of human tactics.. The top Chinese generals could no longer beat it in simulated war games. Also, as the Generals experienced fatigue, the machine became stronger as it continued to learn.

I personally hope we can develop and focus a little more using this amazing tool in the STEM sectors, such as astronomy and mathematics, as I know it could really enhance our capabilities..

Have a great morning everyone :cool:
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Jun 13, 2020
One last quick thought, as I like to end things on a positive note! One great thing which AI has contributed (mathematics/data crunching) to the development of:

A team of about 25 nations will be "flipping the switch" on the first "artificial sun", an energy reactor, which combines about 1200 tons of magnet, one millions amperes and two essential compounds to hopefully develop the ultimate renewable energy in 2025. The last test I am aware of, the reactor was only kept stable for 120 seconds, so there is quite a ways to go, BUT, imagine the possibilities, if we can learn to efficiently create our own artificial stars...
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Apr 3, 2020
One last quick thought, as I like to end things on a positive note! One great thing which AI has contributed (mathematics/data crunching) to the development of:

A team of about 25 nations will be "flipping the switch" on the first "artificial sun", an energy reactor, which combines about 1200 tons of magnet, one millions amperes and two essential compounds to hopefully develop the ultimate renewable energy in 2025. The last test I am aware of, the reactor was only kept stable for 120 seconds, so there is quite a ways to go, BUT, imagine the possibilities, if we can learn to efficiently create our own artificial stars...
Source? That is an interesting effort.
Jun 13, 2020
To be honest, I don't have a specific link on hand. Google it, i'm sure there's quite a few stories written about it. It's a multinational effort with around 27 billion dollars invested. I plan on starting a more in depth thread about it when I have time. For now, I really gotta go. Have a great morning!


Apr 3, 2020
To be honest, I don't have a specific link on hand. Google it, i'm sure there's quite a few stories written about it. It's a multinational effort with around 27 billion dollars invested. I plan on starting a more in depth thread about it when I have time. For now, I really gotta go. Have a great morning!
Were you referring this?

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Jun 13, 2020
No, That's similar, but it's actually a completely different initiative than what I'm referring to.. Thanks for sharing, I'll review when I have a little more time. The technology of it all is really amazing and creates a whole new world of possibilities! :grinning:
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Jun 13, 2020
Thanks for the articles! That's very interesting and unsettling that China is so far along in the arena. I guess my head has been too buried in the sand to realize that China and Korea are working on competing technologies. I'm not really surprised at their speed of evolution since they starting using varying AI applications at an earlier date than we did and were able to compute and problem solve at a faster rate.

The project I was referring to is known as The ITER fusion project. It was just a great example of a way in which AI can be used for good. Hope everyone is having a great day...
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Jun 13, 2020
Yes, It does. Unfortunately, I don't think any of us will be around long enough to see where it all leads. However, its fascinating to think about all the doors this can open. Were you unaware of this before? If so, what are your thoughts on this technology?

COLgeek, I've always been a dreamer and just marvel at the capabilities of this technology, even in its infancy.

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