Alien: Isolation' is finally getting a sequel, developer confirms

Oct 30, 2021
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I've tried more than once to play this game but I just get a really bad headache and horrid motion sickness after about 30 minutes. She does this strange head bob/wobble/twising on the z axis that just breaks my brain and unlike most games you can't disable it. As others have noted she kinda wobbles like she's got one leg a few inches shorter than the other and/or is a bit tipsy.

Thinking maybe it was just me and maybe there was some other setting I could adjust, I googled and was rewarded by a rather large number of results of people having the same issues with this specific game. There were some suggestions of editing the config file so you could further reduce the field of view, or increase it beyond design, or to sit closer or further away from your screen, etc, but it just doesn't work for me, which is a shame because of the great reviews it's gotten.

One funny comment was that it's quite a scary game and the poster said he can only play it during the daytime with the Happy Days theme playing in a loop! :laughing:

I play lots of other titles and am usually okay with the default head-bob when walking/running. Hopefully the devs won't build this into the new game or at least allow you to disable it.


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