* No. If you have real evidence then there is no need for<br />* speculation.<br /><br />The evidence is real, just not enough to "connect the dots" (=make the right conclusion that could be called a fact).<br /><br />Real issues? I'd say there are numerous real issues that the powers that be rather wanted to sweep under the rug. One that immediately comes to mind is the inflation.<br /><br />As always, not everything is really simple, but there may be complex underlaying mechanisms affecting it. Hence when I come up with evidence of something, I do not immediately choose the path with least effort. I try to get the big picture. If the solution turns out to be the simplest one, I am not disappointed. <br /><br />That an individual doesn't understand something doesn't mean it couldn't exist. Without a microscope we would not know anything about the micromechanisms, that indeed exist. <br /><br />If a "truth-seeker" suggested to you, that there are tiny organisms, that you really can't see, but they still exist, you might well write it off as vivid imagination. Without better knowledge, ofcourse. <br /><br />Edit: typo