As a fellow ST:TOS fan, I was wondering how you feel about the "remastered"version of episodes vs the originals. Have to say that my favorite episode, "The Doomsday Machine" felt a lot cooler/smoother than the original version.
-Wolf sends
I value the remastered versions of ST:TOS for what they are. They provide a nifty look at digital graphics technology (of the mid 1990s), ultimately "enhancing" the production quality of the television show.
I watch the remastered version, certainly, but I pine for the original. Why? Because the show is a product of the 1960s. Why can't we see it as it was constructed and intended to be? AND the graphics used in the 1960s on ST:TOS were cutting edge - they ARE one of the things that made TOS the jewel that it is (and why it was so remarkable in its day). As I said, the remastered version is an interesting product worth viewing. It's not ST:TOS. So, yes, I feel strongly about this!

But you know what else bothers me? Editing that removed the original (four) commercial breaks. The storyline, the original editing, the soundtrack, were all designed to have these commercial breaks. Removing the original commercial breaks (or, more commonly, adding more), also changes the tone and flow of an original episode.