I am an economist but my hobby is cosmology, thus my trial to comprehend and understand the functioning of the universe is way different than presented in academic textbooks. I realize that Astronomy is not the same thing as Cosmology but they have common anchor points.
My questions won't be complicated and just two.
1st question:
What do you think about ether? Is it present in the Universe or not?
My opinion is that the ether exists and below is the link to my article justifying my point of view:
2nd question:
In my article titled
I proposed to distinguish the poles (N and S) in the nucleus of the universe and to denote its equatorial zone (first). Well, the N and S poles would be in opposite places of Great Voids. On the other hand, the equatorial zone, would be where Filament Galaxies occur. I just don't know if my suggestion coincides with the actual distribution of the above-mentioned voids and galaxies. Kindly confirm or deny my assumptions.
Kind regards
My questions won't be complicated and just two.
1st question:
What do you think about ether? Is it present in the Universe or not?
My opinion is that the ether exists and below is the link to my article justifying my point of view:
How to comprehend space

2nd question:
In my article titled
I proposed to distinguish the poles (N and S) in the nucleus of the universe and to denote its equatorial zone (first). Well, the N and S poles would be in opposite places of Great Voids. On the other hand, the equatorial zone, would be where Filament Galaxies occur. I just don't know if my suggestion coincides with the actual distribution of the above-mentioned voids and galaxies. Kindly confirm or deny my assumptions.
Kind regards
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