Antimatter and spatial expansion

An AI said this:

"Arrow of Time:
  • Despite T-symmetry, our universe exhibits an “arrow of time.” This means that certain processes naturally occur in one direction (e.g., eggs breaking, ice melting), even though their underlying laws are time-reversible.
  • The arrow of time is related to the concept of entropy, which tends to increase in closed systems.
In summary, time-reversal symmetry is a fascinating aspect of physics that connects the behaviour of physical systems to the direction (my emphasis) of time. While it holds for many processes, exceptions and the arrow of time remind us that our universe is more complex than simple reversibility would suggest!"

Me: If we represent a spherical universe as a circle and its radius as time (increasing) then if we are positioned at a point on the circle (circumference) the time direction is opposite (backwards relatively) on the opposite side of the circle (universe). This means that wherever you might move in space antimatter is always located in the opposite universal hemisphere but if you were there it would be recognised as normal matter. It's relative depending on the time direction.

This has interesting possibilities if we apply expansion of space - not to the whole universe - but to space in a quantum sense:
  • It may be processed at a quantum level
  • Space expansion quanta may be spherical (very probable)
  • If so then spatial increase would have both negative and positive time directions depending on the observer's position
  • Virtual particles could be like Schrodinger’s Cat in quantum mechanics.
But, back to the point, the equallity of antimatter and matter is dependant - in the hypothetical universal expansion described - in a perfect sphere. However the requirement to have an imbalance (more matter than antimatter) is totally avoided as all is matter (or Antimatter, whichever). Allthe same stuff just with different time directions and well separated!

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