I believe time and space are infinite. No beginning, no end. Just continuous action. Anyone else?
April 24th, 2023, it has been 6 years 99 days since The Transition Project fully engaged January 15th, 2017 .
Strings of Creation Big Bang Event
Trillions of light years in volume are an area lacking any discernable structure, especially Spacetime Foam.
An energy field lacking Particle Wave Duality, which undergoes 18 phase transitions to generate Spacetime Foam, the 1st of 18 phase transitions .
Next are the 17 phase transitions, which create the 17 elements particles of the standard model.
Arrange the Elementary Particles of the Standard Model in descending order with Top Quark at energy level 173 GeV/C² the first followed by the Higgs Boson then in descending order the remaining 15 elementary particles of the standard model.
A separation in energy levels is a separation in Time. This refers to the time required for the Big Bang Energy Field to cool down as it expands at FTL speeds .
Let's begin with the Big Bang Energy Field which starts as a lattice crystal type structure where the vertices are Singularities where compression rate achieves Planck Scale Singularities. Inside those Singularities one would find enormous number of Open Ended Planck Unit String Energy in each Singularity. Open ended Planck Unit Strings lack Wave Particle Duality as they only behave like Wave Energy with attributes similar to Springs. Flexible Open Ended Strings which stretch and then return to original state like springs in a mattress .
Strings of Creation Big Bang Event
Finite volume Field of Planck Scale Singularities begins to shed expel Open Ended Planck Unit String Energies at FTL speeds . As the energy field expanded it reached a certain energy level triggering the first Phase Transition . The creation of Spacetime String Energies which are at ~ 200 to ~ 250 Gev/C²
Open ended Spacetime Strings negative and positive versions non-explosive with only Wave like properties . Since there is no Spacetime Foam the Spacetime strings form interlocking cubes of Spacetime Strings. That is the structure of Spacetime Foam , String Energy. Basically Spacetime String Energy is created by having Open Ended Planck Unit String Energy link up like railroad cars to form the length required for each Energy level.
Big Bang Energy Field expands at FTL speeds, String Energy has no speed limit. As the open ended Planck Unit Strings escape from the Singularities the energy field cools and triggers 18 phase transitions.
1st phase transition
Generates Spacetime Strings at ~200 to ~250 GeV/C² negative and positive versions non-explosive. Then they automatically form interlocking cubes of spacetime strings. Spacetime Foam is now available.
2nd phase transition
Top Quark Stings at 173.07 GeV/C² negative positive versions non-explosive. Since we already have interlocking cubes of spacetime strings the open ended Top Quark String Energies negative and positive versions roll up fold up into their native 3 dimensional state becoming particles. Matter and Antimatter Top Quark versions huge bundles equally distributed throughout entirety of Spacetime Foam. The matter and antimatter Top Quark Elementary Particles collide generating an antimatter explosion . A nearly 100% mass to energy conversion process. No mass no particles no Particle Wave Duality. Back to a positive version of Openended Top Quark String Energies. Now we have many bubble like spheres of Antimatter explosive Energy. On the surface of the bubble like spheres of explosive Energy are the openended Top Quark Strring Energies Positive version. Not annihilation a conversion process which takes 13 Elementary Particles of the Standard Model and converts them all to Positive Open Ended Strings . From negative and positive to matter and antimatter then mass to energy conversion yielding one type of open ended string energy positive version which later becomes Elementary Particles as you climb up the energy scale from. Photons to Top Quarks in ascending order. This is accomplished as you cook or reach energy scale which allows each open ended string to phase transition into their native dimensional state as a Particle. Energy required is generated in the core of Gravity Wells created by Dark Matter Strings permanent and stationary energy related distortions upon Spacetime Foam. Also Dark Halo Strings form Gravity Wells mobile and temporary energy related distortions upon Spacetime Foam generating gravitational effects. Dark Matter Strings permanent and stationary Gravitational Effects upon Spacetime Foam. A laser can reach out and link up and guide a lightning bolt. The lightning bolt wraps around the laser like a string spiraling around a metal rod. Dark Matter Strings are released when 2 or more bubble like spheres of explosive antimatter energy burst when they collide releasing the strings which slam into other strings . The intial contact point between 2 curves or spheres is highest energy scale direct impact. Imagine 2 spheres slowly touching at point of first contact highest energy scale of Strings smashing into Strings and Spacetime Foam as bubble like spheres burst . Those direct high energy impacts like head on collisions becone Dark Matter Strings and also Black Holes center of Galaxies . One sphere is surrounded by many spheres ao more than 1 intial impact high energy state head on collision type . Each direct impact highest energy related distortions upon Spacetime Foam which generates gravitational effects and become Black Holes later . As you flow away from intial head on impact type further away on the sphere which burst you are also going down an energy phase transitioning into lesser energy scale Dark Halo Strings energy related distortions upon Spacetime Foam generating gravitational effects mobile and temporary free to fly. Both Dark Halo Strings and Dark Matter Strings are damaged twisted upon other strings and or Spacetime Foam unable to ever become particles of standard model yet capable of creating gravity Wells. Dark Matter Strings form Sheets , Filaments , and Distorted Bubble Like Voids perimeter. Most likely 13 different sized Sheets, Filaments , and Distorted Bubble Like Void Perimeters . Take 2 balloons press together flat plane Sheets. As they are pressed together forming a plane pop them with a needle. The plane remains as above and below the plane tatters or Filaments. Multiple surriunding bursting spheres releasing Strings forms Dark Matter Strings at Perimeter of Distorted Bubble like Voids. Sheets , Filaments, and Distorted Bubble Like Voids are permanent and stationary energy related distortions upon Spacetime Foam generating gravitational effects, Dark Matter Strings. Since the Big Bang Energy Field is expanding at FTL speeds and Spacetime foam also expanding at FTL speeds. Dark Matter Strings slammed on the brakes and United Spacetime Foam and String Energy tightly bound where Dark Matter Strings were . Universe has been slowing down ever since . Looking back to the beginning everything appears to be at FTL speeds . The closer galaxies are to Earth the slower they appear because the brakes were slammed with Dark Matter Strings. Leaving a few things out. Also Higgs Boson, Z Boson, Gluon , and Photon havd zero charge so neutral no matter no antimatter versions . As you go down the energy scale of the elementary particles as the Big Bang Energy Field cools the Dark Halo Strings and 5% Survivor Strings are like shrapnel flying off explosive spheres when they burst. This results in Dark Halo Strings alone in a void or Survivor Strings alone in a void forming a galaxy. Should also have variations of that theme as one looks at more and more Voids. Take 10 marbles various sizes. No matter what you do small areas on the marbles never touch . That represents the 5% Survivor Strings which become everything we see today. As the spheres burst the Survivor Strings fly off not impacting against other Strings not being damaged free to fly free to become Elementary Particles as we cook or reach energy states required in the gravity wells in large scale structure.
So you go down the energy scale of the elementary particles creating Spacetime Foam, Dark Matter Strings, Dark Halo Strings, Survivor Strings , Sheets Filaments , and Perimeter of Distorted Bubble like Voids. Basically 13 versions of Sheets , Filaments, and Perimeters of Distorted Bubble like Voids. Also as you go down the energy scale and then back up the scale of energy levels of elementary particles the entire sequence of events has meaning and defines everything.
Up the energy scale. As you go down the energy scale creating Dark Halo Strings and the Survivor Strings they begin the gravity dance. As you climb up the energy scale Survivor Strings begin falling into Dark Halo Gravity Wells and Dark Matter Gravity Wells. As more and more Strings pile on they basically cook from ground up all your elementary particles. The first Stars are Hybrid String Stellar Objects which first begin cooking photons then up the scale to Top Quarks. As Energies climb at the center of the gravity Wells they create building blocks of the atoms. Protons neutrons and electrons Then finally Hydrogen Atoms As more Survivor Strings begin piling on there appears to be enough finally to light the fusion fires. Yet sustainability has not been reached so multiple times the fusion fires flicker out. The outer layers of the Hybrid String Stellar Objects are semi transparent with a soft bluish white glow and at the core of the gravity Wells it is Dark where the Atoms form in the core . Finally sustainability is achieved the fusion fires light and stay lit. The first Star Light from Hybrid String Stellar Objects . I guess we are all now Tourists at the Strings of Creation. Take care. Thank you ,Professor Leonard Susskind for String Energy Wave like with attributes similar to Springs. Perfect for Spacetime Foam. Knowledge of that yields FTL Timeline Drives, Variable Speed Time Ladders, artificial gravity , and communications technologies with no time lag Star to Star if my theory is correct.