jim48":2c7i1x9m said:
ZenGalacticore":2c7i1x9m said:
We had just moved North to Roswell Ga. from Decatur in early June, 1969. I had just turned 6. Dad had bought a new Magnivox colored console tv (our first color tv), to go with the new house. The whole family-I'm the youngest of six- were in the den(not the livingroom, the livingroom was the room that mom kept all her inherited antique furniture that no one was ever allowed to sit in, except adult company), and as Neil Armstrong stepped down onto the surface, I remember my dad saying, with excitement: Look Zen! Look Zen! That's a man walking on the Moon! Man is on the Moon!
I realized in my 6-year-old mind what was happening and I remember grasping the concept, yet not fully realizing the-if you'll pardon the expression- 'gravity' of the event.
Like Jim mentioned, during later missions we'd still be outside in summertime when we get those late afternoon and very early evening moons and we would think about the fact that there were two men up there. We would run in a get dad's binoculars and try to see if we could see them.(My friends and I, ie, we were still little kids.)
I'm sure that the moon-landings and many other things that were happening in the 60s and 70s inspired my life-long devotion and fascination with manned-and unmanned- space exploration.
"Look Zen! Look Zen!" And my dad said "Look, Fester! Look, Fester!" :lol: Is Zen short for something, like, oh say Zenith? :lol: Is Galacticore a rather large clan in Georgia? You sure it wasn't the
other Roswell? That would make more sense. Lurch says hey, Y'all!
I ought to change it to ZenMagnicore, or Magalacticore, maybe, for Magnivox.

No, actually 'Zen' implies my spiritual side, and Galacticore suggests my science/reason side. Zen Buddhism, while technically separate from Christianity, still implies an inner-peace, which I strive for(it's hard sometimes).
There's a 'Zen' presence at the center of most galaxies. I thought about changing it to 'ZenGeorgiacore', :lol: , or maybe 'Logan 6', as Michael York played 'Logan 5' in 'Logan's Run'.
The aliens really are in Roswell, Ga. Jim. They pulled that whole New Mexico thing just to fool everybody. One of them is named Rodriguez. :lol: