April Full Moon 2021: 'Super Pink Moon' rises Monday

The video indicates the term supermoon came from astrology :) The report concludes "When observing the full moon through binoculars or a small telescope it can be hard to spot surface details, because there are no shadows. Moon filters are available that can make some features stand out. Waiting a few days after the full moon or observing a few days before allows shadows to bring out more detail. "

Very accurate. I find the best time to view the Moon for details and craters along the terminator is First Quarter of Last Quarter. Last night I viewed the waxing gibbous Moon in Leo along with Regulus double star at 71x. The Moon shows better surface detail and along the terminator line vs. Full Moon observations. However, I have enjoyed viewing Full Moons using a green filter with my telescope just for fun. Yes the Moon is made out of green cheese :)
Apr 27, 2021
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I didn't know anything about the Super Pink Moon . And no it isn't pink now , but I noticed how beautiful it is. That is how I ended up finding space.com. I also appreciate the sharing that there can be better viewing of the surface before and after the full moon. That also answers questions I didn't even know I had. Thanks :)