Are quantum Computers over- hyped?


May 10, 2021
The hunt for a quantum computer had come to a head in 2012, this resulted in a decade of research with huge inputs, unlimited cash from all the Big Names; Amazon, Google, A&E and so on, this research also had the use of some of the most intelligent software engineers and programmers in the world, yet all this hype has resulted in little progress. While conventional computer technology has made giant strides during this period, storage capacities exceeding 20 tera bytes in 2022 and computing speeds keeping pace, the research into quantum computers has not been able to put a practical machine on the table, in fact they are nowhere near being able to do it. In recent times there have been several highly qualified detractors of the hype surrounding quantum computers and the unreasonable performance expectations attributed to them.

A quantum computer

Perhaps, this is a good time to recollect the unusual theories that quantum computers are based upon. To begin with researchers were very confident of being able to harness quantum entanglement using photons, but this was found to be too difficult to achieve, therefore the focus shifted to electromagnetic changes experienced by the Josephson junction in super-conductors. The non-linear shift in current through the Josephson junction it was thought, would be amenable to forming qubits, the analogue of a classical bit used in conventional computers.

Yet, how do Josephson junctions correlate to quantum suppositions such as quantum entanglement and superposition. The unfortunate answer is that they don’t, and this perhaps is the biggest drawback to quantum computers, it would be one thing if they actually used quantum entanglement as the physical basis of their working but they don’t. Using, changes in the amount of electric current flowing through a Josephson Junction is surely more closely related to classical physics than to any quantum theory? Thus while these technologies might have a bearing on building better conventional computers, they aren’t strictly speaking based on quantum phenomenon.

This uncontrolled pursuit of ‘quantum’ technology has not been restricted to quantum computers alone. Take the massive LIGO projects, multi-billion dollar projects, built to detect differences amounting to 1/10,000 th the width of a proton, used to detect gravitational waves. With that kind of sensitivity a man weighing 80 Kg taking a single step a 1000 km away from LIGO would produce a signal that was 800 times LIGO’s claimed sensitivity. Is it all hype ? Very likely, but physics mavens jump eagerly on every report from these gravitational wave detectors. Or take the LHC, physicists are planning the next LHC to be 3 times as big as the present one, which has a circumference of 27 kilometres. When the staggering cost of these projects is taken into account, especially in a world stressed out by the pandemic and other calamities, surely a better use could be made of the money?

In one sense, this growing disillusionment with quantum computers might be thought of as being the leading edge of a disillusionment with quantum mechanics itself. If quantum entanglement and quantum superposition don’t work is it possible that others of the weird suppositions underlying quantum mechanics such as wave-particle duality and the abstract wave-function are also just imaginings of the human mind and not really principles of physics? The next decade should tell.

MIT on quantum computers

Oxford University on quantum computers
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Jan 29, 2020
An argument advanced for fusion is it stimulates laser engineering. QCs stimulate metrology and atom ground truths. I just read a paper where Magnetic Resonance is applied to dopants on a nanoparticle at liquid helium temperature. It enables one to know the electron orbital spacing of the dopants. These might be monetisable in the future as nanorods or particles of various sizes will have orbital spacings 0.1A different than in existing best databases. On its own merits, it would be useful to study the physics I studied from 2006-2013 if I had gone into lasers, or radar waveguides. QCs will not work well at ion future engine speeds or existing rocket vibrations. They are for drug development. I envision using soft levers capable of torsion motions, to make anti-virals. I imagine a West Coast hub for nanocoating and scraping off of, a central nervous system in a century. That level of precision is aided by QC papers.


May 10, 2021
An argument advanced for fusion is it stimulates laser engineering. QCs stimulate metrology and atom ground truths. I just read a paper where Magnetic Resonance is applied to dopants on a nanoparticle at liquid helium temperature. It enables one to know the electron orbital spacing of the dopants. These might be monetisable in the future as nanorods or particles of various sizes will have orbital spacings 0.1A different than in existing best databases. On its own merits, it would be useful to study the physics I studied from 2006-2013 if I had gone into lasers, or radar waveguides. QCs will not work well at ion future engine speeds or existing rocket vibrations. They are for drug development. I envision using soft levers capable of torsion motions, to make anti-virals. I imagine a West Coast hub for nanocoating and scraping off of, a central nervous system in a century. That level of precision is aided by QC papers.
It is not my intention to denigrate the technology involved, the precision and ingenuity involved in these technologies is nothing less than miraculous, using the biblical meaning of the term! My beef is with physicists using these wonderful technologies to support theories, like quantum entanglement, wave-particle duality, superposition and so on that are obviously wrong! If the argument is made that all of our present technology is based on these principles, I would answer that you are out of your mind. Nothing, not a single piece of technology, even quantum tunneling is a result of these arcane theories. If you think about it much of the wonderful advances in technology are based on the discoveries of Neils Bohr. Nothing in material science would have been possible without his wonderful work on atomic spectroscopy and energy levels. True, he later denounced his own work and opted for quantum theories but considering the intensity and intricacy of his work it is possible that he also went a little insane when his theories were outed.

Look at the modern quantum mechanics version of atomic spectroscopy. As a physicist or even a layman, you will be aware that for one object to absorb energy and then re-emit that energy; forces of recoil will be involved. Yet, according to quantum mechanics one wave ( the smeared out electron wave around the nucleus), absorbs energy from another wave ( the incoming photon) and then these two waves miraculously retransmit that absorbed wave in an exact direction with an exact energy, without recourse to recoil or any other physical intervention. Is this voodoo or not ? Is it the eucharist in a heightened form or not?

Compare this theory to my own theory where an electron mediates its energy by emitting very specific pulses of electrical energy that achieve a stable configuration that we know of as a photon. This stable configuration resembles a minute electric dipole, having a positive pole and a negative pole. The electron has the ability to emit such photons, numbering in the hundreds of trillions every second. These emitted photons are all emitted in a single direction, all possess an exact energy and form into “rays” of light. Using this method it is possible for the electron to effortlessly emit trillions of different wavelengths, frequencies and energies and to do so in a consistent way.

This brings us to the question of size. We are aware that the size of any electromagnetic wave plays a vital part in how it behaves. The knowledge of the structure of atoms in a material has been made possible because x-rays have a similar wavelength to that of the size of atoms. Similarly we are protected from microwaves by the presence of a grid that stops the microwaves from exiting the oven. Yet, how does this tie in with the precise spectroscopy that is seen when atoms are excited or irradiated? The answer is it doesn’t tie in. Green light with a wavelength of 500 nm is a hundred million times the size of an atom! How is precise spectroscopy achieved ? There is one and only one way in which precise spectroscopic results can be achieved and that is in the way outlined above explaining what photons are and what their structure is. Read all about it in my paper ‘The Electromagnetic Universe.”:
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Jan 29, 2020
There is the effect with or without recoil. Sometimes the atom takes the hit and sometimes the lattice.
For microwaves, the 50 cents components inside it that protect you when you don't buy them used...are far from the most advanced waveguides we use. Those are limited now by our solid-state sensors only being able to barely see a single microwave. But we could make microwaves as precise as you system suggests eventually.
There are a hundred ways to do precision microscopy. If I were hung up on one type, I'd study ten more and compare them.
When you have precision microwaves you can entangle them with whatever you are observing and send them through granite 8 feet. Right through the granite. If there are metals there the entanglement will be able to know. Sometimes they reflect at surface. Sometimes right before the surface in mid vacuum/air. Sometimes 1/2 way through. If your physics based on Oos or wavelengths getting 1/2 smaller without quanta, the microwaves will never ever be able to penetrate granite. The US military did this satellite research in the 1980s. They shot radar or microwaves from satellite through a forest. Sometimes the waves went right through the wood and foliage. Thus the quanta.


May 10, 2021
There is the effect with or without recoil. Sometimes the atom takes the hit and sometimes the lattice.
For microwaves, the 50 cents components inside it that protect you when you don't buy them used...are far from the most advanced waveguides we use. Those are limited now by our solid-state sensors only being able to barely see a single microwave. But we could make microwaves as precise as you system suggests eventually.
There are a hundred ways to do precision microscopy. If I were hung up on one type, I'd study ten more and compare them.
When you have precision microwaves you can entangle them with whatever you are observing and send them through granite 8 feet. Right through the granite. If there are metals there the entanglement will be able to know. Sometimes they reflect at surface. Sometimes right before the surface in mid vacuum/air. Sometimes 1/2 way through. If your physics based on Oos or wavelengths getting 1/2 smaller without quanta, the microwaves will never ever be able to penetrate granite. The US military did this satellite research in the 1980s. They shot radar or microwaves from satellite through a forest. Sometimes the waves went right through the wood and foliage. Thus the quanta.
I am sorry, I hope you will not take offence if I point out that you seem to be missing the wood for the trees. By what possible magic spell or incantation or faith fuelled beliefs can an explanation be given for how one wave reacts with another wave to give a predictable result? They should by any logic just pass through each other without any interaction whatsoever, BUT opf course the ever present explanation is that “at the level of the very, very small things behave differently!” What is not easily comprehended by the supporters of quantum mechanics is that any argument that is made will simply militate against the very precision that is seen in atomic spectroscopy. I can’t see what shooting micro-waves through the canopy cover could have to do with the proving of energy quanta. But enough, let be the discussion rest. I happily take back everything I might have said against your arguments.
Jan 29, 2020
They have microwaves in waveguides in quiet rooms. The microwave will be able to bounce along one plate channel and measured. Then for one inch there are no microwaves. Separated by an inch are the two channels the microwaves have to choose from. One quantum is the reason. These are microwaves bigger than adults are tall. There is no invisible space to hide from when the waves are meters long. Oos was a Golem who shrieked and killed the military and wandered the planet lonely composed of ever dividing matter. I didn't know nanotech in 1996 when I read it but it sounds like you have the EM version as a concept.
Jan 29, 2020
It is alot like the movie Waterworld which should've been on another world as the sea only rises 2000ft. Or having compression technology so good no other actor knows how to use it at all even with time machines and stacking time sideways to learn. Or making things so random a TM can't even predict consequences. Or giving oneself a sense of enjoyment of life so to attack those who have enjoyment of life. Or promulgating 200000 yrs of events in absento.

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